[Photo on 1st Avenue by Derek Berg]
A bowling alley/entertainment venue called Splitsville Lanes set for Essex Crossing (The Lo-Down)
Celebrating some classic celluloid at Anthology Film Archives (The Wall Street Journal, find the schedule here)
Juice war shaping up in the East Village (The Awl)
At CB3's fundraiser to help Second Avenue businesses recover (NY1)
Reviews of newcomers Noreetuh and Oiji on First Avenue (Grub Street)
The hawklets are growing so quickly on Avenue A (Gog in NYC)
Some LES photos from the 1980s (BoweryBoogie)
When McSorley's finally admitted women (Ephemeral New York)
Try the Ramones or New York Dolls cookies (Dangerous Minds)
Be careful when installing your AC (New York magazine)
NYC-area airports are pretty awful, research says (Gothamist)
The Black Rose, which opened at 117 Avenue A a few weeks back, debuts their first live DJ series tonight: the Friday Night Disco Body Boogie Party, featuring 1970s disco DJ Joey Carvello spinning vinyl and hosted by Rebecca Lynn of Mobile Mondays. Starts at 10 p.m. More info here.
… and RIP Scandalous, who died Thursday at age 13 (and a half)… She lived on East Seventh Street with her owner Drew Rabbitclub…

RE: Black Rose. Maybe when their prices go retro along with the vinyl and decor.
I'm not fighting the juice wares, I'm waiting for the acai battles.
Who knew mcsorleys was so sexist, even into the 60s.
Black Rose cocktail menu is so hilariously lame, who reads or orders those anyway? But this vinyl dj seems like a big plus. And is reminscent of before Hi-Fi renovated and sold out had a great vinyl dj on thursdays.
Bowling alley seems awesome too. But as a hobby for working class america costing peanuts across the country, Manhattan bowling prices remind me of how shit ny can be bc of costs.
@Anon. 1:52 - I already fought some of those battles with the Anonymous who despises me because I dared to crack a joke about 'em. Although s/he seems to be awfully silent when others, and there are many, make mocking reference to acai bowls in the comments - guess I'm just lucky!
"Black Rose: we're a neighborhood rock and roll bar that, uh, has club DJ's playing boogie disco starting at 10pm-4am, really no different than a Meatpacking District club! WOOOOOOO"
Looking at my crystal 8 ball, I can see into the future CB3 docket:
11. Black Rose 117 AVENUE A (Renewal with complaints)
And every single neighbor within ear shot of this place holding up signs.
4:23 exactly. Whereas in 98% of the world bowling is a casual, quotidian working class sport, in NYC it's a douchey rich people scene complete with dress codes, bouncers and bottle fucking service. Be prepared to shell out a few hundy for a night of NYC bowling.
I loved that dog. RIP Scandalous. You lived in this neighborhood longer than most of the people who are here now.
Awww...love that pup.
$20 per game bowling hooray
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