[Workers dismantle the former Sock Man space on Feb. 3]
As we first reported last month, The Sock Man closed on St. Mark's Place after nearly 33 years here between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.
Now that space at No. 27 is for rent.

Here are some details via the listing at Sinvin:
-All quality uses considered, including food
-Easy to vent
-Landlord presenting as a vanilla box with HVAC and 200 amp electric panel
-New storefront to be installed
-Brick walls
-Sorry, no tattoo or piercing parlors
-On the best block of St. Marks, busy 24/7

The asking rent for the 500-square-foot space (with another 300 square feet for basement storage) is $9,000, per the listing.
Owner Marty Rosen was apparently facing an unmanageable rent hike from new landlord Raphael Toledano.
Rosen has said he hopes to find another space in the neighborhood. Meanwhile, the Sock Man remains open for business at www.thesockman.com.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The Sock Man is closing on St. Mark's Place
The Sock Man says thank you; store closes on Saturday
Closing portraits at The Sock Man
A vanilla box refers to the white walls of sheet rock - a totally unpainted unfinished space.
It could be a small bagel place.
My bet: a new dessert place.
No matter what the next business will be there is no way it will be able to keep up with that amount of rent. St Marks is not high end retail (yet) and until that day it will be a challenge for anyone to make that rent each month.
"vanilla box" - fitting since the EV has become bland and dull as vanilla full of "nillas.
"Easy to vent" - yeah it sure is, especially if one has even a modicum of taste, sensitivity, awareness of history, love of what was here for so long, and a desire to see at least some of it retained.
I am tired of vanilla being used as metonym for plainness. Vanilla is a distinct flavor you motherfuckers and a damn good one. It is one of the greatest flavors God has put on this damned earth. There is nothing default about vanilla.
Raphy Toledano eh? These rents are ridiculous. To not even make a profit you need to sell hundreds of dollars of goods a day to cover rent and one employee, how you specifically factor in what inventory or good you are providing? Could be closer to $750+ in sales a day.
Voters need to push for any candidate to finally embrace and enact the SBSJA.
Calm down there 'nilla.
I hope Toledano eats dirt on this space for years.
The correct term 'White box' is obviously racist. Thank you Raphael for making this listing open to everyone. Asshat.
@Anon 11:02 - agreed! Vanilla is one of the most exotic flavors/scents there is.
All "quality" uses considered, but no tattoo parlor???
Have you ever lit a vanilla-scented candle? They really stink.
The UCS (Union of Chocolate Supremacists) notes with pleasure any put-downs of vanilla, and notes with displeasure the passing of DF Mavens near this space, as it was one of many necessary chocolate havens.
Toledano is an doucher. He took over my bldg in the E.V. (I no longer live there--my choice after 24 years) and is taking over the neighborhood http://evgrieve.com/2015/08/report-uncle-suing-nephew-broker.html?m=1
Why does vanilla represent the color white? Vanilla beans are dark brown, yo.
Raphael Soldano is a Sock Man, 'cause he keeps it socking it to you.
Why does vanilla represent the color white? Ask Vanilla Ice and Milli Vanilli. All right stop, collaborate and listen. Blame it on the rain 'cause you know it's true.
Why can't we just all get along and be/have a Neapolitan? Best of all worlds -- chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.
Raphael Toledano looks like late '90s early '00s Jorge Posada LOL.
I can't wear vanilla, chocolate or strawberry SOCKS.
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