However, as this photo from EVG reader Michael shows, someone did take exception with the poster for "X-Men: Apocalypse" at First Avenue and 14th Street.
Someone took the time to leave an eight-pieces-of-paper message: "This violence in my kid's face is not OK."

On that topic, what character is most likely to die in the film out on May 27?
Beast? Psylocke? Moira MacTaggert? Magneto?
It’s inevitable that at least one of the Four Horseman will bite the big one. Given that three other Horsemen (Magneto, Storm and Angel) could also find themselves in the crosshairs of their captor, Psylocke’s chances could be worse. Whether she becomes a permanent fixture for futureIII films will depend on whether she can avoid Fox Studios’ affinity for write-off characters. If the scantily clad telepath finds herself in the same boat as characters like Azazel or Banshee, it’s best not to get too attached!
...gees, and here's me, thinking this is a sequel to 50 Shades of whatever.
I thought they were advertising either bespoke jeans or new Acai bowls
The message applies to me, an adult. Why are my rights to a violence free public experience being trampled?
And I thought this is an ad for a X-men themed bar showing what a bro does to his sorority hanger-on after they have had one too many $15 mutant cocktails...
Ooohhh what we need is an eye level video ad of him smashing her around.. with audio.
Good note(s) although it is not just about kids - I too am getting so sick of all this garbage corporate America forces us to look at all the time.
Glad there are still people who are awake, see through the corporate americas toxic bullshit. Just because stuff has become normal doesnt make any of it right.
Got mentioned in the UK
Apocalypse was destroyed by Jean and the others. Havok may have died too, but we never saw his body.
i must have missed that part of the constitution that said that you have a right to a violence free public experience?
Would it be ok to have posters of a white man strangling a black man? Or a straight person choking a gay person? Why then is it any more ok to have this image of a woman getting strangled by a man?
If it was ironman being strangled would you still carry on this way
Nobody forces you to look at it. You can always look away. If you take the time to look then that's on you
God Americans have way to much free time on there hands... everything is offensive ... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Fact is she gets strangled in the movie get over it
"Would it be ok to have posters of a white man strangling a black man? Or a straight person choking a gay person? Why then is it any more ok to have this image of a woman getting strangled by a man?"
I dunno. Sounds like your argument would apply to just having this scenario in the film to start with. Can you identify any form of conflict or violence you think is acceptable to portray in fictional entertainment? If not, your argument is against fiction, not against this specific scenario on this specific poster.
"The message applies to me, an adult. Why are my rights to a violence free public experience being trampled?"
To clarify, you have the right not to have violence initiated against you, because assault, robbery and murder are illegal. What you are asking for is for it to be additionally illegal to depict or describe any illegal act in public. Would this only apply to visual representations, or, for example, would 'Captain America: Civil War' need to be represented on posters as 'Captain America: C***l W*r' because the concept 'civil war' involves illegal violence against persons?
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