We noted yesterday that Black Market closed on Sunday... the sign on the door here at 110 Avenue A near Seventh Street notes that they are closed for renovations.
A now-former employee shared a text (said to have been sent March 7) from management about what was happening... per the text, Black Market won't be reopening ...

... a tipster said that the owners (Johnny T and Jesse Malin) are updating the space for another venture.
Black Market, which served burgers, oysters and cocktails, opened in 2010.
I went there for the first time a couple months ago because they had some kind of coupon. I guess that's the first sign a restaurant's in trouble. I enjoyed my meal there and went back a second time. The food was good and I liked the ambience, but the menu was a bit too limited to go back more frequently.
What a scummy thing to do to the people who worked for them.
Sad... one of the non douche bars in the area closes... at least luckies opened.
first they came for the vowels and i said nthn
then they fired their employees and closed
Anyone who has ever worked in a restaurant, bar, or, yes! a bookstore, will tell you the horror stories of delayed salaries, delayed payment of taxes, the begging not to file for unemployment, and other things done to screw employees. There is always the promise--"Well make it up to you!" They never do. If these people ever open another place in the EV, with a Face Book page filled with the drivel of their devotion to the neighborhood and to local sourcing of food--people should go in and ask them to explain uo front how they intend to screw this set of employees.
If they are updating the space for another venture, why can't these employees work at the new venture?
I know it's chic to hate on restaurateurs of the EV, but Malin has been around a long time as a musician and positive force in the neighborhood as well as a bar and restaurant operator. I only went to Black Market a few times but it had a solid burger and good happy-hour specials. I hope the replacement succeeds.
"... chic to hate on restaurateurs"? No, honey, what's despicable is that this "positive force" you speak of so glowingly doesn't have the basic decency and common courtesy to sit down and speak one-on-one with his employees to explain the situation, choosing instead to impersonally mass-text them with what appears to be a mere several days' notice. I'd feel the same if it was a restaurateur in Boise, Albuquerque or Vladivostok - actions like this make someone a jerk no matter where they hang their hat.
Well-meaning, even civic-minding entrepreneurs dive head first into restaurant and bar businesses without any sense of reality of what it takes to survive, let alone be successful. It still amazes me what happens to their basic human decency once that reality hits. I had gotten to know one such now former owner of an EV establishment where friends of mine worked. He was a kind and generous man that I considered a friend. Never divulging the burden of his business, he simply disappeared one day leaving nothing more than a sign in the window for his employees to find upon arrival at the never to open again spot.
That's so weird: the food was delicious; the drinks were good; it wasn't too expensive; they played great music...
There was like one vegetarian option and nothing for vegans other than fries and brussels sprouts.
Too bad. They had a great burger and the drinks were pretty good too. I always recommended it to people, but I guess I should have gone more often? Though it's not clear if the change came out of necessity or because they just want to switch it up.
My friend worked there and was done with it within a week. It was when they first opened though. Said it was a nightmare.
So funny to me that people complain that there aren't enough vegan options at a BURGER JOINT. If you're looking for vegetarian or vegan food there are plenty of other spots in the East Village for you to enjoy.
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