Several readers passed along photos of these posters that went up overnight, such as here on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place...

The poster has quotes from audio recorded in 2005 and released last fall by The Washington Post, where Trump is heard talking to Billy Bush from "Access Hollywood."
Marilyn Minter made these! https://www.instagram.com/marilynminter/
His words are even more horrifying in print than they were spoken. How is it that the deluded fools who voted for him could actually overlook this testament to his character, or lack thereof, and decide he still had what it took to be the POTUS? I will never get it.
Hillary Clinton ran an ad with those words being spoken by Trump about a million times, and he still got elected. It's your fault America. You broke it, now you own it.
Also, f Icon Realty for putting up that green plywood for advertising space, and then not bothering to clean up the trash from it. I've reported them to 311 multiple times and I doubt they have been fined yet.
These are vile, vilagar and coarse words. I hate that I have to now explain why they've been posted by a grown up in our neighborhood to our children. It's unfortunate. I get it, we all have angst about the election. There are better ways to react.
Calling ALL angels
glad to see these
if the poster had taken a bit my time and offered an array of gross things trump has said about women this would have been way more interesting, informative, provocative and powerful.
to repeat this known quote over and over is not only sad but boring and brings nothing more than a whine to the forefront..
“A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10,”
Describing his ex-wife Marla Maples, “Nice tits, no brains,”
Describing Angelina Jolie, he said, “I never thought she was good-looking. I don’t think she’s got good skin. I don’t think she’s got a great face. I think her lips are too big, to be honest with you, they look like too big.”
“bathing suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher.” aftrer purchasing miss usa pageant
"Vagina Is Expensive"
Many of you said far worse. He led a life of privilage in NYC which is the most aggressive city in the world and can be very vulgar. He's not a evengalical from a Bible Belt. The point is he got himself elected. We all remember "nice" conservatives like Romney and McCain and we know what Obama did with them. Where will this nation go next that's really can be desturbing.
This was fascinating:
What if Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Had Swapped Genders?
SCROTUS! So-Called Ruler Of The United States!
This is just making him bigger.
Grab 'em by the pussy has become indelibly ingrained into the pop culture lexicon as has Make america great again. Like "have it your way" or to a lesser and older extent "sit on it"
Stop enabling this autocrat. Because the audio tape didn't work in October and it's still failing now. Focus on his personal and his oligarch peers plundering the economies of this nation and worldwide
Anonymous Anonymous said...
These are vile, vilagar and coarse words. I hate that I have to now explain why they've been posted by a grown up in our neighborhood to our children. It's unfortunate. I get it, we all have angst about the election. There are better ways to react.
March 8, 2017 at 8:07 PM
i guess it's all right that he said it. and maybe your daughter was away from the USA at the time, and missed all the press, radio & tv, all the time - it is too bad. but what made it necessary for you to explain it ia that OUR PRESIDENT SAID IT! isn't that the problem?
I will never understand how any woman could have voted for this scumbag. I don't get it. I just don't. It is horrifying how he boasted about this and to see it in print. And what is more horrifying is how millions of his fans and devotees seem not to care or remember. People also fail to remember what he said about his daughter on Howard Stern. The list goes on and on. I am sickened and saddened this man is our president.
Well said; 9:47 a.m.
He is a scumbag. To see those words on the wall like that makes me cringe. What a fucking mess he is.
My kids are growing up in the East Village. They're 14 & 17 now. You have to become accustomed to explaining bizarre and unsavory phenomena.
The only two main things that people cared about when voting for Trump was and continues to remain is employment and immigration. Those very Americans don't care about anything else. Forget socialist issues such as the rights of minorities or health care or justice or equality. Forget it. They don't care. They want him to "take back the country." Whatever the fuck that means, Trump could be a pedophile, a murderer, a cheat and a liar (which he has already proven) and a hypocrite; it simply does not matter. When he commented on grabbing the private parts of a woman, most didn't blink an eye, which is more disturbing than the words he used. It's almost like they are craving for a dictator to tell them how to live and what to do. As if they can't think for themselves.
Its all about money and keeping those out who they deem don't legally belong here. That is why Trump is President. What an unfortunate and horrific reality to be faced with :(
Trump is the last person to judge who is attractive as he was never a handsome man.
He's been gross for decades.
My mother once told me she thinks he and Melania not only sleep in different beds but in different rooms LOL.
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