[Photo in Tompkins Square Park yesterday by Derek Berg]
Jane Jacobs documentary opens today at the IFC Center (Official site)
Landlords looking for up to 8 percent rent increase on rent-stabilized apartments (DNAinfo)
Thoughts on a car-free 14th Street during the L train shutdown (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
A red-tailed hawk died from rat poisoning in Sarah Roosevelt Park (The Daily News)
Details on the affordable housing at Extell's One Manhattan Square (Curbed) What about a new supermarket? (The Lo-Down)
Last weekend for “The Cinema of Gender Transgression: Trans Film” series (Anthology Film Archives)
Brooklyn Diamond coffee coming to Lafayette (BoweryBoogie)
A look at the city's wealth distribution (Gothamist)
Stuy Town resident robbed by a group of seven people he invited back to his apartment last Saturday at 4:20 a.m. (Town & Village)
Former EV resident Iggy Pop turns 70, releases a jazz record (Rolling Stone)
...and this painting of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées arrived on the curb on Seventh Street yesterday around the same time as the deadly, terrorist-related shooting in Paris last evening...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
1 comment:
I am not going to say who that painting is by, but it is worth grabbing!
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