Early this morning, police arrested 20-year-old Jamie Pugh in connection with the deadly beating of 68-year-old Ruan Wen Hui. Pugh has reportedly been charged with second-degree murder, robbery and assault.
Tonight, Pugh was led out of the the 9th Precinct on East Fifth Street in front of the assembled media…

Hui, a retired garment worker who lived on Avenue C and East Seventh Street with his wife, died from his injuries Saturday night. He had just dropped off his two granddaughters after a trip to a nearby playground when the attack occurred.
Police have said that it was an attempted robbery. Pugh has prior arrests for robbery and drugs, according to published reports.
Photos by Frank Franca.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: East Village resident dies from injuries sustained in brutal attack (25 comments)
[UPDATED] Reward for info on East 6th Street assault; plus video of the attack (34 comments)
[Updated] Family mourns Ruan Wen Hui as police hunt suspect in deadly assault on E. 6th St.
If guilty put the mutt down I thought a homicide committed during commission of a felony was murder one
This was racist attack.
@anon 8:17
I'd guess it's murder 2 because there was no other felony being committed. Saying, "Give me something" to a stranger isn't a crime. He killed the guy, but never robbed him. I'm only going by the description of what happened because I'd rather not watch the video.
Make New York state a civilized place by bringing back the death penalty.
If the Chinese mafia is anything like the Italian one , the one I grew up knowing , this piece of shit better pray he never gets out of jail. He's gonna be much safer inside.
When I was younger, I had said I didn't believe in death penalty, but in this case I believe it should be done. There was no need for this type of behavior. Killing an innocent man.
all I can think about is those little grandchildren that love their grandpa, what do you say to them? Heartbreak.
Jesus has anyone ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?
Yeah he looked real innocent on the tape.
There's no place for random violence in the EV. But there is also no place for state-sponsored violence in this world. If he's guilty he'll serve his time; if he's a man he'll try to make restitution to the family. But no one has the right to take his life, no matter how guilty he may be.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
I don't care what happens to this scumbag as long as he's off the street for good. If they want fry him or lock him up forever makes no difference to me.
murder 1 in NY is only the murder of a police officer. Highest criminal degree for murder of a civilian is murder 2. We don't have the death penalty in this state, in case you haven't noticed. And innocent until proven guilty etc.
that said, if this is the guy that did what happened on that video, may he have a very short and unhappy life in jail.
Forget sending him to jail. Just drop his ass off in the middle of chinatown and lets see what happens.
8:52pm This murderous coward is lucky he didn't kill this man in the 1980s or he would be killed by the Chinese mob.
I often wonder if the Chinese mob still exists in Chinatown - does it?
On one hand people are shocked by a violent and senseless murder and some at the same time are saying the attacker should be killed asap. We all want a society that is civil and safe but killing again does not help the victims family or make our society any more sane. For those for the return of the death penally please keep in mind the many death row cases which have been overturned due to corrupt evidence, a zeal to pin a murder verdict on someone so the rest of us can sleep better at night. I am not sympathetic to this killer if he is found guilty but his imprisonment is the price we all pay when we allow children to turn to crime instead of an education.
I hate to say it but, if this piece of scum get a somewhat decent lawyer, he may be able to get off. Proving that it's him on that video will not be an easy task. The only thing they have to go on is really his height and build...unless the cops find his clothing or witnesses positively IDing him... I hope in this case, the justice system will definitely fail for him.
So pathetic that a 20 year old man beats up on a 68 year old.
Just horrible what this guy did, but vengence here is no less ugly.
Aren't we all just a lil' bit guilty, too, for what this guy did, and will be again for what our government does to him?
@anonymous 11:30pm
We DO have the death penalty in NY State, though no prosecutor has sought the death penalty since it's been reinstated.
Here's an argument against the death penalty: It is too easy. It isn't punishment enough. Kill someone, they are dead.
I prefer that someone who has committed a horrible act be kept alive as long as possible, using all extraordinary medical measures when needed, and forced to live with video and audio recordings by all the people who were hurt by the act constantly playing, never able to turn them off. They need to be reminded constantly of the enormity and the horror of what they did.
What Jamie Pugh did was horrific, and he should be tried for second-degree murder, robbery and assault.
That doesn't change the fact that most of the anonymous commenting on the posts related to Ruan Wen Hui's attack & subsequent death has been utterly racist and vile.
@anonymous 10:54: I did not know that. I stand corrected. thank you.
Maybe we should all think of this.. Maybe a tree in the park for one of our own
Nothing racist here. Just some stupid coward who changed many lives in a matter of 20 seconds. I hope he get life. No mercy for this coward.
"Aren't we all just a lil' bit guilty, too, for what this guy did, and will be again for what our government does to him?"
That is racist. A decent human being knows right from wrong.
To 12:51 a tree in the park would be a great way for all of us to learn and heal from this
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