As the Post reported the other day, two women who were subletting an apartment at 129 Second Ave. have filed a $40 million lawsuit related to the deadly explosion on March 26.
Lucie Bauermeister, 23, and Anna Ramotowska, 26, are suing Con Ed, 121 Second Ave. landlord Maria Hrynenko, contractor Dilber Kukic and Hyeonil Kim, owner of Sushi Park, claiming they were "severally injured, both physically and mentally" by the explosion that killed two men and injured more than 20 people. Each are seeking $20 million.
Per the Post:
Their building reopened March 28, but Bauermeister complained that the smell of smoke was so “putrid,” she didn’t want to sleep there.
Ramatowska said she got “like, five or six scratches” when she went outside to inspect the blast site. Bauermeister didn’t suffer any physical injuries — but did say she is seeing a $175-an-hour psychologist to deal with the trauma.
Both women said they plan on moving to the South.
Meanwhile, perhaps to expedite that move, there is a crowdfunding campaign underway titled "Evict Fire Victim Bilkers from NYC."
Per the campaign:
Buy two one-way bus tickets out of NYC and a good riddence letter in the form of a full page ad in a NYC paper for heartless opportunists Anna Ramotowska and Lucie Bauermeister (or help the real victims of a tragic multi-building fire)
To date, $90 has been raised.
Find the campaign here. [Updated 11:09 p.m. — the campaign site is no longer active]
Screengrab from FOX News via Jezebel
Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] 2nd Avenue subletters suing for $40 million over deadly explosion (66 comments)
$90 will surely pay for two one-way bus tickets to yokelville. Bye!!
Ps Darnell the Pom can stay, he's cool
Dingo bought them tickets!
Will they also ride them out of town on a rail? :-)
Let these women buy their own tickets.
These two bimbos have to be kidding--$20 million my butt. I am not saying they shouldn't get anything, but hell, one got a few stitches and the "ever so delicate one" is seeing a shrink. Two people lost their lives. It is their families who should be suing for $20 million a piece, not these latte drinking critters.
Ok, there's a lot of bad stuff that can be said about these women based on the lawsuit, but why does the commenter above make the point that they're "ugly"? What the hell do their looks have to do with anything? Why does any conversation about women in the public eye have to include a critique of physical appearance?
OK, then I'll say it, Anon. 10:21. These two wastes of skin should not get anything. Not so much as a plugged nickel. What they should get is what's in their heads - that is, NOTHING. For what conceivable reason should they profit when they barely suffered? Save the money for those who lost their apartments, their pets, their possessions, and for the families of those who lost their lives.
Um... Everybody affected by this needs to sue. Don't worry, their claim will be last paid - but look at the apartment you're in right now and imagine if it all smelled like smoke... Gonna take that lying down? Of course the Post is bitching! I'm sure they own stock in walk-away-without-warning-tennants ConEd.
I agree with all the comments. These 2 women are not true East Villager's. We pull together and help each other in time of crisis. We have done this time and time again. We were there for each other at 9/11, during all the blackout's, and Sandy. These women are not us. They need to go back to where they came from. I understand the outrage. Two beautiful young men were killed needlessly. Two lives were lost, what a shame. Having said that, enough already. We have to stop giving these two women air time. They are enjoying this.They are probably sipping mint juleps, sitting on a veranda enjoying the attention. Let's take the high road. Let's be true East Villager's and focus our attention on helping those who lost their homes, and mourn the lives lost.
GOOD RIDDANCE. The more entitled self-centered people to leave our fair city the better!!!
@ anon 10.30:
definitions of "ugly" from Merriam-Webster - see #3:
1: frightful, dire
2a: offensive to the sight : hideous
b: offensive or unpleasant to any sense
3: morally offensive or objectionable
4a: likely to cause inconvenience or discomfort
b: surly, quarrelsome
Like, I'm sure they are all like "whatever" after reading these comments.
I wish we had the name of their shyster lawyer.
I love me some EV G, but this post makes me sad. So two people do something stupid, then some smart-ass doubles down with the crowdfunding ruse. Big deal. I worry that we're losing the point of the tragedy and this post only brings out the worst in all of us no matter what side you're on.
Anyone know if their sublet was legal? Don't know too many that are.
What were these repugnant creatures thinking putting themselves in the middle of this disaster by going on TV with bogus, overly dramatized stories? The victim who got BLOWN ACROSS THE STREET hasn't complained a minuscule fraction of what these two monsters have. It seems they were already planning on moving back home before the explosion and are using the event as a way to profit. Crack rock Romy and Michele, take your last fro-yo selfie and hit the road! Welcome to North Carolina, it's been waiting for you!
Do these two rocket scientists just not understand that if they miraculously won $40 million that would be no money left over for the families of all the people who were killed or for other victims? But I guess if they won they just would give everyone a ride on their yachts before they sailed off into the Mediterranean sunset. Maybe they can use their PR and marketing skills to do a fundraiser for everybody, or maybe they can auction off the Pomeranian and donate the money to charity.
Between the clueless disaster area selfie takers, these two $40 million geniuses, the exploding plumber who was arrested just month ago for allegedly bribing a city inspector, a greedy gas-siphoning landlord whose first lawyer got fired after he called her "naive," the landlord's son who actually belongs to a facebook beer pong club (and who can forget the idiots who played beer pong on St Marks Place at 3 AM in the blizzard?) and the Fox News reporter who calls this street "St. Martins," is there any hope for humanity?
They and anyone nearby certainly has the right to sue, they won't be the only ones suing. Will they get anything? Who knows. Are the model citizens? Most likely not.
bowboy — this is part of the larger story, trashy or not. Almost all of the posts here have been info / victim focused. A little levity goes a long way
Forget about Palm Beach FL after collecting your various financial windfalls ladies - it's rugby accidents, charter fishing boat tragedies and overcooked short rib tacos there 24-7. Not good for your PTSDs!
Ken FTW!
I hope the judge throws this out and their legal costs leave them bankrupt.
Robert Vilensky is the listed as their attorney on the complaint.
Actually these two women are very much like the majority of people living in the "East Village" now.
Thanks for fitting all that into one super depressing nutshell.
I don't know, John Penley. They strike me more as the type of people who come into the neighborhood every weekend for drunk brunch. To them, the neighborhood is likely still really "edgy." I'm surprised they decided to sublet here and not Murray Hill.
Base purely on the number of posts, more outrage on EVG about these two young women than the Hrynenko herself. Not surprising.
@ 2:47
That's because of the content of the article.
Go to any article about Hrynenko and you will find plenty of comments ripping into her (and her son).
Their 15 minutes of fame is over. See you all 4/11/15, 12 noon at 2nd and St. “Martins”. BTW, during this debacle, did the media ever refer to the “Gritty” East Village?
Morally offensive, objectionable women.
Well, as Lucie and Anna might say, "Wow. Just wow." Entitled, vapid, narcissistic -- yes. But run them out of town? Gooble gobble, not one of us? They're safe, easy targets, I suppose. Anyone want to band together to prevent presidential motorcades from driving through town, or is mass surveillance, extra judicial drone murder and creating failed states on both sides of the Atlantic just soooo NYC? On second thought, don't answer that.
Ok I am all for kicking in towards two one way bus tickets out of NYC for these two opportunistic and I think fraudulent bitches - if it cost $200 ($100 per ticket) I'd pay it myself - but this Go Fund Me is wack and something I will not support and I urge people to boycott along with me.
First off, what's with the 20K goal? Do not give 20K to this campaign, give it directly to the victims and neighborhood organizations including GOLES who will in turn give your donations the victims, not to someone who will hand over x amount of money to a newspaper who will in all likelihood not place his ad shaming these two lowlives even if he offers their price plus. Also if he actually raises 20K he's gonna have to pay taxes on it, which means he's not really raising 20K. Donate to organizations who will pay the least amount of taxes as possible or no taxes.
Second who is this guy Nicholas Briseno and who appointed him anyone to collect money on behalf of the victims? Since he says money not spent on the newspaper ad (again a waste of money) will go to the victims. How do we know he's not pocketing x amount of the money if not taking off with all of it?
Last I checked you don't need 20K to buy two people bus tickets outta here.
They are the ones who said they are planning to leave. They put themselves in front of the camera and publicized their lawsuit. How are they "easy targets"? Their behavior would be just as reprehensible if they tried to cash in on a tragedy in any other city, not just in New York. Your argument is ridiculous.
Before driving them out of town, they should be tarred and feathered.
- East Villager
If the judge presiding over this case is ANY kind of decent New Yorker, he will rule in their favor, hand them a pair of Single Ride MetroCards as their compensation, and say, "Here's your ride. There's the door."
My comment at 4:31 pm was directed at 3:49 pm, just to be clear.
I agree with Penley - there were about four young women like this living below me for a year. They are all over the neighborhood, jogging on the sidewalk, staggering home from the Blind Barber, getting their toes done. Oh and then on Sunday morning they are daddy's little angels going to yoga class. Then it's off to boozy brunch. They make me sick.
I love this list of what they do (5:43) - it made me chuckle - sadly though because it's so true
The crowdfunding page is down as of now.
john penley said:...the truth
4:17PM and 4:57AM - You may have a reading comprehension problem.
The person who started that fundraiser wrote that any funds left over after the ad was paid for (the good riddance letter) would be given to those who were true victims of the blast.
A list of specific victims, including the dead mens' families, was added.
The fundraiser specifically described the tickets as symbolic.
If they are tarred and feathered I want to take a selfie with them.
I don't have a reading comphrenension problem.
That guy wanted to raise 20K to place an ad in a newspaper to shame these women. I thought and still think the money would be much, much, much etc. better spent on the victims, not one man's axe to grind. A man who has come out of nowhere asking for 20K in relation to the explosion. I don't like it - I guess you do.
I could care less if he SAYS he'd give the remainder of the money to the victims! He should give ALL the money to the victims or better yet, let legitimate groups receive the money. He is not a group and it's questionable that he is legit. Will he show he gave the remainder? Who is this guy anyway?
BTW how 'bout he doesn't turn this horrible event into his axe to grind. Yeah those women were/are idiots but he's an even bigger idiot asking for 20K so he can give all or x of it to a fucking newspaper and not the victims, ok? So put that in your pipe and smoke it. You're obviously a friend of his or you wouldn't be coming after me right down to the times I posted.
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