The first of 1,876 area street festivals is tomorrow … on Second Avenue, from East 14th Street down to East Sixth Street (or, from East Sixth Street up to East 14th Street).
You'll likely find the usual packages of tube socks and paper plates with funnel cakes … host the Middle Collegiate Church will also be holding several activities during the Street Fair, including:
At 12:30 pm, the Middle Church Jerriese Johnson Gospel Choir will perform. At 1:30 pm, our Village Chorus for Children and Youth will perform. There will also be "East Village Strong" and "Love.Period." T-shirts for sale to benefit East Village recovery.
Yeh! I could use some new tube socks! Here's hoping the BIG CHAIR makes a comeback this year!
Any word on the Ukrainian street festival this year? The info on Saint George's is from last year.
"Love. Period." does not ring well with those of us who hate our periods!
Though I am full of love, period otherwise.
yippee! I won't have to do laundry.
4:32pm :)
"East Village Strong" ? Now we are plagiarizing Boston? Ugh.
The whole Strong thing predates Boston. I think it started with Lance Armstrong's Live Strong.
These street fairs can suck me. Same cheap Chinese goods and nasty food that is not from the neighborhood.
We really need more fairs which have only local businesses and ethnic foods.
Tired of the tube socks.
Walked from 6th to 10th Streets looking for some PLAIN black t-shirts. Nada....everything had a stupid logo on it. So now I have to go to K-Mart after all, or do laundry.
Oh, and another thing. All these food handlers wearing gloves but don't take them off when they handle money, change charcoal or scratch their butts....gross.
Yes similar to Ukrainian Festival - ethnic and local. BTW May 16-18 Come see Soyuzukruli and get your pierogies! http://www.saintgeorgeschools.org/100101.html
That was the most depressing street fair I've ever seen. I don't know why they even bother. I miss the old, old days when you could find interesting crafts, useful items and possibly even decent food. The food alone is a turn-off.
That was one of the better street fairs in a long time, the street was full of a bunch of dancing people in front of the CD-mix DJ guy, kids were learning hula hoops and chalking up the asphalt, and there was live music on the south end. The only thing missing was I didn't see the kettle corn guys to get my free sample. The Brooklyn donuts people called Dough were there, their salted chocolate and also their lemon poppy seed donuts are great, and a better value than Donut Plant since you get 4 times more donut for just three bucks. Best of all there was no traffic and people got to enjoy the outdoors without speeding taxis and smoke belching trucks rumbling by all day long. Overall it was a very nice day.
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