[320-326 E. 6th St.]
An EVG reader who lives in one of the four buildings that make up 320-326 E. Sixth St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue shared the following with us…
I arrived home from work to find the attached letter stuffed into my apartment door.... my building plus three others have been sold to 320-326 Ro Village Realty. Our buildings were previously owned by AAG Mgmt. This Ro Village Realty LLC is brand new as of January and I can't find any more details about them or about how much the buildings went for or what they plan to do with it.
Considering what is going on in the neighborhood with companies like Icon, this makes me incredibly nervous.

The sale hasn't hit public records yet… and we're not familiar with 320-326 Ro Village Realty either… and their offices at 209 E. 14th St. don't match up to any of the usual suspects…
This is the 4th set of owners in about 10 years. The last owners had to rebuild the back wall of the buildings which was being pulled off the structures by the weight and constant vibration of the restaurant exhaust motors bolted into the buildings, which continues to this day.
I have a question about the many vacant commercial real estate spaces in the EV. Is there some sort of tax break that the ICONs of the world get that incentivizes them to ask higher than market rents in the expectation of improving their cash flows because of the tax system, even if they don't have paying commercial tenants in some spaces?
209 e 14 st was a rooming house whose owner was tied into the east 13 st regina hotel.
the hotel started out as home for the working poor that turned into by-the-hour rentals. now it is market housing.
the 14th st rooming house had a medicaid mill on the ground floor utilized primarily by addicts from the many local methadone centers.
after the "medical facility" closed folks would still line up when they spotted anybody entering 209 who looked like they might open the clinic.
because of the growing drug problem sweet 14 was created (by CB#3 and CB#6) but that's another long story.
Ro as in Ross Geller?!
Here again - Ro Village Realty? AAG Mgmt? This obfuscation should be outlawed immediately so these criminals can no longer hide behind vague, meaningless names; people have the right to know who, exactly owns their building and thus holds a very important part of those peoples' future in their greedy claws.
That phone number is for Union Square Inn. The tenants of these buildings are in for it!
My apartment and others (rent-stabilized and rent-controlled) were also recently sold to an LLC that was apparently created for the sole purpose of holding those apartments. The principals, whose names never appear on any written communications from this LLC but were traced via Googling the names they gave to a tenant, own other properties through other LLCs.
Is there some way to determine just who the principals of a given LLC are and to map their other real estate holdings? These are predators who are apparently able to hide via the anonymity granted by the creation of numerous LLCs.
One obvious benefit besides allowing them to anonymously harass tenants it that if they are held liable for damages as a result of some apartment shenanigans, the "LLC" limits their liability to only that one property and not to the rest of the properties they control. If there were substantial damages like with the recent 7th Street/2nd Avenue gas explosion, that would essentially free them of any real financial obligations. I.e., they could also own the Empire State building but only be liable for the worth of their East Village slum.
Or am I mistaken? Anybody here know, please post. Thanks.
Did you know that EVERY single yellow cab is an LLC in its own right? So be careful riding in cabs and BUCKLE UP!
Speaking of investigation work - does anyone wonder why donations to those affected by EV disaster are being funneled to an Association that operates a Business Improvement District in LES (providing marketing, security, sanitation, and parking) and to the Mayor's private fund (a component unit of the City of New York)? via link posted on CB3 website?
While services being offered to residents and businesses affected by the tragedy do not list the two non profits that are collected the donations. And this is sponsored by local City Council all the way up to Senator. Things that make you go "Hmmm?"
blue glass said...
209 e 14 st was a rooming house whose owner was tied into the east 13 st regina hotel.
the hotel started out as home for the working poor that turned into by-the-hour rentals. now it is market housing.
I did the "Streets and Shelters project" in the 1990 census, and the Regina House was one of the buildings we covered. (The Regina House was used in the movie Taxi Driver, I believe.)
Tenants at these addresses need to show strength and solidarity with solid tenant associations, if they wish to enjoy their rights' preservation and support — Cooper Square Committee and GOLES can help them in establishing these organizations if they have yet to do so, too.
Scuba Diva said...
blue glass said..
And the connection to 6th Street is what?
I live in one of these buildings and also got this memo on May 1st stuffed under my door. We had our gas shut off for 6 months last year because of a failed inspection/"leak" they weren't in a rush to fix until the city inspectors started showing up daily.
I think most of the rent-controlled longtime tenants got fed up. The building seems to be full of mostly students (based on the door-slamming, weed smoke, and hallway shouting) and Air BnB pied-a-terres now (based on the piles of uncollected magazines/NYT).
Has it occurred to you that not all landlords are evil? Maybe they bought the properties as an investment and don't need to resort to some of the tactics that other "slumlords" do.
Why don't you wait and see before jumping to conclusions
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