The gift-giving by Raphael Toledano's Brookhill Properties continues this holiday season.
After closing on a 16-building East Village portfolio back in the fall, residents received a box of chocolates as a welcome from their new landlord.
Some tenants in these newly acquired buildings have accused Toledano and his associates of predatory practices in various published reports (The New York Times, Daily News, The Villager and DNAinfo) and at least one lawsuit.
Previously, rent-regulated tenants at the Toledano-owned 444 E. 13th St. received wine and fruit baskets back in May after the continued lack of basic building services. (This group of tenants filed a lawsuit against the property management.)
And more recently, Toledano tenants received another gift ...

... $20 gift cards to Ninth Street Espresso.
One tenant described the reaction to the gift from his fellow building tenants, many of whom are not having their leases renewed and facing eviction, as "surprised confusion."
Another Toledano tenant had the following response:
Thank you for your kind holiday greetings, and for your thoughtful gift card supporting our neighbors.
If you truly want to make good on your generous wishes for my peace and happiness in the new year, please consider dropping your case against me and renewing my lease.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Claim: Landlord of 444 E. 13th St. threatened 'to drop dynamite on the building'
Reader report: Large portfolio of East Village buildings ready to change hands
Report: State investigating East Village landlord Raphael Toledano
Report: Uncle suing nephew broker Raphael Toledano over $100 million East Village deal
Report: Raphael Toledano completes purchase of 16-building East Village portfolio
More about alleged harassment and landlord visits via Brook Hill Properties
Brook Hill Properties launches chocolate offensive
In op-ed, Raphael Toledano says that he wants 'to make the East Village a better place'
Report: East Village landlord Raphael Toledano allegedly misrepresented himself as a lawyer
As a thank you to Raphael Toledano for making their lives a living hell, a few of his tenants are taking up a collection to buy him a GMO-free Chipotle gift card, with extra E. coli on the side.
That's nothing. I've literally gotten three-day eviction notices and lease renewals in the same week. You're only as good as that last fat payment. This guy is particularly slimy tho.
Is Toldedano related at all, I wonder, to that Shkreli guy? They both seem cut from the same crazy-cloth.
So what is the result of the State investigation which was initiated in August?
And how does that work -- the city passed laws against harassment after such actions were alleged? How can they fine or win settlement if the actions were committed prior to the laws being enacted?
He's vile. I have a feeling karma is going to catch up with him very soon.
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