Monday, December 21, 2015

Today we're 8 (in blog years)

EV Grieve started eight years ago today. On this occasion.

This is a moment to thank you for reading and commenting and offering feedback and story ideas and theories and everything. This site doesn't work without you.

And thank you to the frequent EVG contributors, including Dave on 7th, Derek Berg, Stacie Joy, James Maher, Steven who, like Cher, doesn't use a last name, and Bobby Williams.

Someone recently asked me what my favorite all-time EVG post was. I have no idea. But I found this one to be the most compelling in recent years.


afbp said...

yay :)

Patricia Kennealy Morrison said...

Thank you, Grieve, for 8 years of terrific news, information and comment!

DrGecko said...

Huh. The blog,it turned out, is something of a replacement for Sophie's/Mona's which, it turned out, didn't need replacing.

So, the neighborhood is not all downhill.

Happy Solstice, and thanks for everything, Mr Grieve, sir!

Laura said...

I read evgrieve daily and very much appreciate all the information you offer here. Thanks for keeping us continually updated on our neighborhood!

Bobby G said...

I don't know how you do it. THANK YOU!!!

creature said...

Thanks, Grieve, for all the hard work. Daily blogging is not easy, and you make it look like it is.

Anonymous said...

Happy bloggy birthday, EVG! Thanks for all your great work.

Scuba Diva said...

Happy solstice indeed! I'm expecting my Solstice shoes to arrive via UPS tomorrow.

Thank you for this blog, Grieve; it gives me a reason to get up in the morning.

equilibrist said...

Happy birthday, congratulations, and thank you for continuing to be the neighborhood presence we all need and love.

Here's to you, Grieve.

Former East Villager said...

Many happy returns of the day. You do fine blogging work with much wit and pathos. And the photography! Well done.

I also loved the Michael Brody post very much when it aired. I can resonate very much now as I just lost my beautiful husband a few weeks ago to lung cancer, at the age of 69. He did look gaunt and did not want to see visitors, much like Michael did to Miss Pamela. My darling was also very weak, just as she described Michael.

I lived in the East Village for 22 years (I live outside the US now) and he loved visiting it very much. Michael and Pamela ran the East Village early in their lives; and my darling and I tottered around in it the twilight of our years. But we still patronized my old laundry and my old hardware store when we were in town and made Gena's Grill our last stop before the airport.

Thank you Grieve.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, EV Grieve. I've read your blog each day since I moved to the EV over five years ago. I can't imagine my life without it as it is the go to source for information, news and the occasional gossip. Love it. Keep it coming! :)

Anonymous said...

Eight years, long ass time in the blogosphere. EV Grieve is like the Cal Ripken Jr of blogging. That is a compliment, numb nutz.

DrBOP said...

Yeah, yeah.....Happy Happy and all that crap.....

......but word on the street says that everything isn't so TaySwift over at The Blog......EVArrow hasn't been seen since he requested some new flashing neon safety arrows......Bobbie and Stacy were seen over on 10th staggering around taking selfies of each other for HOURS.....the Tompkins Rat Commandos want their privacy back pronto.....and Super Ray sent his Birthday Burlesque Squad over your house, only to be told that you were out "donating sperm" (and we ALL know what THAT leads to)......but the biggie is that the GPU (Greed Pig Union) put a hit out on the BlogMaster, which somehow got switched to taking out Kita The Wonder Dog (landlord bureaucracy strikes AGAIN!).

When will the madness END???

Never, I hope ;^)

PS= MUCH of the macrobiotics at Paradox tasted like put juuust a bit of poispective on 'da sitiation.

Gojira said...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear blo-og,
Happy birthday to yooooooooo!

Thanks, Grieve, for continuing the Herculean task of keeping it going, and updating us to what's going on in our beloved nabe. You're a treasure.


Giovanni said...

This isn't a local blog as much as it's an online psychic mind reading portal. Almost every time I see something that I think should be on EV Grieve, it's already there, complete with arrows, punny headlines and unnecessarily redacted text. It's as if Zoltar himself was writing a blog. If Grieve ever used his psychic skills playing the stock market, he could probably buy the entire East Village and save us from real estate developers with last names that sound like "ghoul." And if you don't like it then go back to Ohio. Happy Eighth, Grieve. Or as the tourists would say, Happy St. Martin's Place day.

Unknown said...

Thank you EV Grieve for 8 years of bringing community to the neighborhood. Your dedication to the real people behind NYC shines everyday through this site.

Mr. Mister said...

Mazel Tov! To many more.

Here's another fun recent post:

Laura Goggin Photography said...

Thank you for 8 years of the best EV reporting there is. Like many others, I read the site daily and it's my first go-to spot for news and information on what ever is going on. You are a lifeline to the neighborhood and neighbors.

dwg said...

Couldn't happen to a nicer blog~

IzF said...


onemorefoldedsunset said...

Congratulations, EV!!

KT said...

Happy 8th Grieve, you and the blog are the best! The Michael Brody posts are mind blowing.

Anonymous said...

Grieve, the E.V. would be up shit's creek without a paddle, without you!
You give us a paddle.


Makeout said...

Congrats! Keep up the good & usually hilarious work!

OWR said...


8E said...

Well done, Grieve!

Trixie said...

Happy blogday and many happy returns of the day!

I love you,


cmarrtyy said...

8 years?! Please, sir... I want sum-mor...

Oliver, the eightful east villager

Anonymous said...

Thankful you are still here in EV!

Anonymous said...

A lot of people post as Anonymous but I'm the real one!

Happy Anniversary, and thanks for keeping us all in the loop

Ken from Ken's Kitchen said...

This one's for you, EV!

Anonymous said...

thanks for everything, Grieve! I couldn't live here without ya. I know I get cranky sometimes here but it's hard to be an East Villager! Up with Mikey Likes It! Down with Dominos!

And I hope to be commiserating with all you people about the Stuy Post Office in our old old age, because only people who were there knew how powerfully godawful it was! And yet I miss it. My ex smooched me there several times. :(

happy holidays EVG and EV

EV Grieve said...

Thank you all for all the kind words!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, EVGrieve! Please keep on keepin' on!

elyse said...

It's amazing that will all the cra..stuff on the intenets this blog stands out as more unique and so much more entertaining...than everything. Thank you for all your work. I was going to say hard work, but it's obvious you love doing this.

Walter said...

Congratulations, EVG. I get more relevant information from this blog than from any other source. Your efforts and labor of love are much appreciated. I baked you a cake, but something went wrong.

Anonymous said...

. . . . and many happy returns of this day!

Unknown said...

Thanks for being an inspiration to us last year. It was a call to action to start writing and covering our neighborhood and we believe we're better for it! Kudos

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be a downer, but this blog isn't the same since you revealed your identity. Something is off. I can't quite place it.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love that there is a Bay Ridge Beat! I was born in Bay Ridge, TYVM, plus it's the only NYC neighborhood aside from Canarsie where rents didn't go up this year. WOOT LETS MOVE THERE

And the top story right now at Bay Ridge Beat is about a joint called Fried Ice Yogurt -- brothers and sisters, as survivors of Funkiberri, we understand your pain.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

jpgale said...

Thank you for all of your hard work. I love you for this gift to the community. My experience here wouldn't be the same without it!