EVG reader Danny writes in...
Something strange is going on in the backyard of 43 St Mark's Place. The concrete patio has been been removed, and dozens of orange five-gallon buckets full of dirt are stacked in its place.
Does anyone know what's going on here? Is it a police investigation of a decades-old crime scene? Have archaeologists found the location of Peter Stuyvesant's outhouse? Or maybe the owners just decided that they have more dirt back there than they need, and they're getting rid of some. There's probably no room for a wheelbarrow to maneuver through the building, so buckets are the only way out.
Is there a permit on the front door? If not, that makes me suspect illegal basement excavation is happening.
Worth reporting to DOB. The Excavation Unit would want to know.
...unless all that dirt is *from the backyard*. Did your correspondent see anyone filling buckets from the backyard? Maybe they are going to put in a new yard slab, but this seems odd if it is the case. Putting it in buckets implies it'll either be replaced and is just being stockpiled temporarily or that something shady is going on and they want to remove it surreptitiously.
Urban farm!!!
I'm more curious about the barcaloungers in the backyard on the other side of the fence!
They were jackhammering the concrete and putting the debris in the buckets, making a godawful racket in the process. One of the tenants yelled down to them asking what was going on, but I couldn't hear much of the reply.
Oh- buckets. I was going to say pot farm!
According to the DOB, there are two building on that lot (link)
136 2nd Ave has lots of work going on for a restaurant space (link)
Is Raymond Burr around?
Looking at the DOB permits list and that photo, as they are doing something w.r.t. a banquet hall (and facade work) I'd say there's going to be a big patio with a more stable backyard slab. Who knows, they might be putting in ground heat pipes for the patio and had to excavate a bit more earth.
One of the permits is for plumbing, not clear if only interior.
They have been taking buckets of concrete out of that building off and on for weeks now
Oh great, a patio. More noise...
Eureka! It's Jimmy Hoffa!
I passed by 43 St Marks Place about 30 minutes ago and 2 guys were dumping these buckets in the dumpsters in front of the building.
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