[Reader photo from last night]
After the milling action last week, crews returned last night to put down the new roadway on Avenue A...
Workers made it down to Sixth Street...

The new flyers taped up over the old flyers show that work will continue this evening...

And a look at how the freshly paved St. Mark's Place blends in with the freshly paved Avenue A...

I can't wait until they do 12th street, it look nasty.
freshly paved and already you can see a mark out on the last photo... the cycle begins again.
Enjoy it while it lasts people!! Smooth street surfaces is a fleeting pleasure, I have come to realize.
2nd street between 2nd ave and Bowery is another especially rough block, and consistently so. It's not a high traffic passage either. Why do some streets tend to develop such worse complexions than others?
Con Ed gonna come along an take a fresh bite out of that baby, before pavers even finish. Trust me.
Hallelujah! True enough as others have pointed out it won't last long, but while it does not getting shaken awake by the trucks in the AM for a short time is oh so sweet relief
Reader who sent in pic #1 here. Hate to say it, but they're doing a spotty job. They aren't smoothing stuff out as well as they could (by comparison, see 3rd Ave/Cooper/Astor for a job well done). Areas around some sewer drains aren't being compacted properly, and the blends between sections are rough-looking too. Sealing of the edges with tar seems hit or miss. As a result these are all spots where the new pavement will 'fail' within a year. Maybe all the rain, and the dodging/rescheduling around it, has something to do with this lack of attention to detail.
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