Vinny & O shared these photos ... showing new city trash cans along Second Avenue ... seen here at Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place (and only on the east side of the Avenue for now) ...

A recent report at DNAinfo noted that these "High-End Litter Baskets" cost $525 each.
Perhaps these were placed here for the benefit of the travelers who have been camping out under the Orpheum marquee this spring.
You can stick garbage in the LinkNYC ports when the other garbage cans are full.
these ones look a little harder to steal for scarp metal:
These new style trash cans are designed for small garbage only. Like small potato chip bags or paper cup soft drinks. There will be more garbage piled up outside of these cans. Am example is in the bottom picture, those cardboard boxes should really be recycled though.
i like these way more than the open ones, where there are just piles of sugary drink cups boiling in the sun.
Small garbage is what trashcans are for, dummy. You're not allowed to throw your home trash or a large item into them.
Someone opens a candy bar and throws the wrapper into the garbage can.
Annnnnnnnd.... they're gone
So weird. 5AM the old wire cans are all turned upside down from E. 5th Street up to 12th Street on both sides of Second Avenue.
By 7AM the old cans on the East Side of the street are gone and the new cans are in place.
By 5AM the next morning the new cans are gone and the old wire basket cans are back.
What the heck is going on? Was this a test run to see if the garbage would be as comfortable in the new cans as it was in the old ones?
Somebody spent manpower and money on this.....whatever it was. Your tax dollars at work.
These are practical and don't fall over. I love that. It makes me sad though, that we won't see those classic, mesh ones. They're just so classic and make NY look like NY. That is why I am torn. Aesthetics vs. practicality. I have to let practicality win this one.
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