[Photo of Elsa and Clayton from 2011 courtesy of Curt Hoppe]
As you may have heard, longtime neighborhood documentarian Clayton Patterson and his companion Elsa Rensaa are moving away from the city.
In an article from the Times yesterday (online Friday) titled "Last Bohemian Turns Out the Lights," Patterson discusses his decision to leave after 35 years on the Lower East Side.
Early this winter, to the shock of those who knew him, he made an announcement: He was leaving New York. This was news in what remained of the creative underground that sits below 14th Street. After all, one of the last men who could credibly claim the title of Manhattan’s last bohemian had not only decided he was quitting the city, he also figured he could find a richer existence 4,000 miles away — in the Austrian Alps.
“There’s nothing left for me here,” said Mr. Patterson, who, at 65, is still a physical presence, with his biker’s beard, Santa Claus belly and mouth of gold teeth. “The energy is gone. My community is gone. I’m getting out. But the sad fact is: I didn’t really leave the Lower East Side. It left me.”
Read the whole article here.
It may sound rude but I was actually astonished Paterson was still alive.
Good luck to him on the next stage of his career.
There's nothing mentioned in the article about his support for Ludlow House, who he tried to cut a deal a deal with for free space and food for the Acker Awards. He then rejected them only when they refused to give him the whole shebang. He supported 106 Rivington as well as collaborating with the BMW/Guggenheim Lab, a project that East Village bohemian activists protested. Goodbye and good luck.
You mean the people trying to "act" like what they read in their school textbook of what a "East Village bohemian activist" would protest.
What have you accomplished today?
Mr. Afraid to leave your name- get your facts correct-- it was SoHo House and all your details are wrong. for those who have no idea what Mr. Afraid to leave your name is talking about-- all I had to say on this subject is in the Villager Newspaper- and if Mr. Scary is a stand up person- will come out of the shadow- he will fight to have that building get landmark status- although by his total lack of facts- I suspect he will do nothing-- but the other out there- landmark that building there are good people working on the project-- we have no landmarks in that area-
He also had some hopeful thoughts in the Times article about the young people in New York and the creative collaboration and energy still alive in our city...
"It’s kind of like a dream,” he said, “to have found these kids just as I was on my way out. My whole life has been about the old New York, and here they are about the new New York."
“It’s exciting,” Mr. Patterson admitted. “It feels like we’ve got youth here — youth, vitality and interest. It’s almost like we’re on the threshold of a new moment. Who knows? Maybe this is the beginning of an actual beginning.”
Seen Clayton wandering the streets from time to time, looking like any person with a soul would look after their soul had been slowly devoured.
(But hopefully that's just me projecting)
Wish you the best in your new adventures, Clayton.
Good for you Clayton. You can sell your building for a pretty penny. I do hope that you will come back every summer for all of the nostalgic events and festivals that lure tourists and drive up the rents.
Clayton rules, but there is nothing happening here. I grew up here, and im telling you, its over. All these fruity, priveleged "artists" are redoing stuff from thirty years ago. Yall are just trying to justify your 3000 rent. You did get ripped off. Theres nothing here, but big money, and immitators faking it.
You ruined it by coming here you suburban nerds. Yes you, even if you get what it was.
Bohemia is no longer in the LES. Hasn't been for some time. It's in Bushwick and Bed Sty now, and somewhere there you'll find a young photographer taking pic's of his friends and their work. Then, in 30 years some blog will be talking about that guy moving to the Alps. Rinse and repeat.
I Love Clayton and Elsa. Traveling is great and very rewarding and fun. Best always.
East Village Corner
Cleveland is the new East Village, minus the proximity to Wall Street.
Bohemia is in Bushwick and Bed-Stuy? Hahahahaha! Maybe 15 years ago! Is this a real estate ad? Those neighborhoods are just as expensive as the LES now and are chock full of wealthy people. They're just 5 years younger than the ones in the East Village. Same breed though.
As I myself am leaving for the "other side," I read of Clayton and Elsa's departure with great sorrow but also understanding. After Clayton watched what happened to Taylor Mead especially, he saw the writing on the wall and knew that could possibly happen to himself and Elsa too one of these days. I will miss him deeply. For those of you who don't get it, (like Mr Anonymous), Clayton and Elsa WERE the Lower East Side. I don't expect there will be another one like him anytime soon. "Welcome To My Neighborhood" was what it sincerely said on his storefront gallery window along with the many photographs of the people who lived and loved in that world. My world. All gone.
Things change. The LES is no better then than as it is now. Another old person mourning the loss of what was as opposed to deciding to see the excitement of what is now. People have to stop living in the past and saying everything was better then.
Everything changes, and that is life.
Ok, a little harsh, anon 6:03. The real truth is most Grieve readers are MC and we are being pushed out of a community which we have loved and contributed to for many years. I believe Jeramiah LNY wrote about "hyper gentrification" and it may be a good read for the responders on here that are so dismissive of the"old timers". Unless you a lucky UC it will affect you as well. And just for the heck of it, would you new comers please get involved in our community? I noticed tonight many of the tulips we planted, independent of the city, in the tree pits died from your dog's urine. Now I know you like flowers, what's not to like?
Clayton Patterson is not being pushed out. Basically, he's retiring. But instead of going to New Mexico, he's going to the Austrian Alps. He can afford to. I don't begrudge him, but this is not about gentrification.
Most people who know Clayton and Elsa well will know that they have complied a massive archive of photos and video and art from the LES. Not only it is their stuff but it includes many things from other people as well. It is huge collection and I hope that it is preserved for future generations to see because Real Estate scumbags have done an artistic and cultural ethnic cleansing of the area that should be considered a crime against Culture. When I left the LES Clayton and Elsa bought many photos from me that are in their archive as well and the money they paid me helped me move. Because, in many ways, with my photography I did the same thing they did and was next to them on the street [We both have many photos of each other being arrested] I understand more than others what they actually have in their collection and value it. There will never be anything in America like those years ever again and I am happy that I was there to be part of them with the Pattersons. One last thing a big FUCK YOU to SLEDGEHAMMER SHAOUL for evicting Taylor and for being a greedy bastard who spearheaded much of the Cultural Bulldozer that removed art life and culture from the area. F U, as well, to many of the comments from anonymous cowards and you show your lack of intelligence and soul every time a story like this is posted on E.V. G. Die Yuppie Scum and wishes of a happy life elsewhere and anyone who thinks this is retirement for Clayton and Elsa is dumber than a rock in Tompkins Square Park.
Thats what some people tell themselves. But the natives know the truth.
You are trying.to make yourself feel better about being.in this shithole. Culturally dead shopping mall. Artistic black Hole beugoise self congratulating prigs.
You tell em Penley. Smash yuppie scum with bats homie! For no reason dog just cuz.
Good luck to Clayton and Elsa on their knew adventure. We'll still see you around anyway...
This is to Mr Anonymous (6:03) who berates older people for living in the past. You're too shallow to realize that people like Clayton and Elsa etc., are national treasures who should be valued, not mocked. While you were still in diapers, Clayton and Elsa were getting up at three in the morning to go document EVERYTHING of any importance that happened in this neck of the woods. Maybe you were not sorry to see the beautiful garden at Houston St (between Second and Third Avenue) half destroyed for more NYU fortresses but all the hundreds of various birds who lived in the ivy covered wall were. How many tenants did NYU steal the views from when they built more of their dormitories less than one foot away from the windows people used to look out of?
How many more Taylor Meades have to be MURDERED before anybody wakes up? All the older people who thought there would be a nursing home for them in the neighborhood (like the one that used to be on East Fifth St and Ave B) are now being shipped to the Far Rockaways where their friends and families can't even afford to visit them because of the GREEDY landlords who are sucking the blood out of people. Sure, it's just older people who can't accept change. You keep believing that and then, it will be your turn and we'll see how you feel to be unvalued. Clayton's wife Elsa got hurt really bad while documenting the WTC tragedy and as a result of her injuries, needs to be somewhere quieter and cleaner and safer. That's one of the main reasons Clayton and she are having to leave. By the way, I think that a good name for anonymous cowards afraid to post their names is "gnats." That's what they used to be called at the guestbook at my website. In fact, I don't even permit anonymous posts anymore. You have the balls to say it? You should have the balls to own it.
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