Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Will we finally be getting that 'fresh, artisanal bacon' shop in the East Village?

An EVG reader spotted this new sign over at 75 E. Fourth St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery...

...advertising a new business — Pigskin™ ...

"Fresh, artisanal bacon from all over the world."

"Bacon for bacon lovers."


Well, this is likely a gag... Perhaps timed for April Fool's Day ... Or not!

The space is the former home of the FAB Café ... it's now the FABworks Storefront operated by Fourth Arts Block and Made in the Lower East Side ... not sure what is coming next to the co-working space. Maybe someone wants to get their bacon biz a go?


Anonymous said...

The fact that it is impossible to tell if a new shop's concept is a joke or not says a lot about the changing landscape of the EV. The pigs in a blanket boutique would fit in perfectly on an episode of "Portlandia" why not a "pigskin" shop on 4th street?

Mr. Mister said...

You would have thought the Molecule water shop was an April Fool's joke, but alas...

Anonymous said...

Also, real cute mocking the death of an animal.

Glenn Belverio said...

Can we just move on with this tiresome bacon obsession, kids? It's old now,


Fro-yo, wrapped in bacon, served in a hoof. Boom!

Anonymous said...

Fro-yo, wrapped in bacon, served in a hoof. Boom!

With or without the bone marrow? Sorry I'm confused by the upcoming foodie spot "Marrow Passage".

Anonymous said...

The purveyors should sell their own skin.
- East Villager

Ken from Ken's Kitchen said...

This new enterprise seems a little ham-handed.


Bone marrow sauce and bone chip sprinkles round out the artisanal toppings!