[EVG photo from Sunday]
Here are some details on the bar taking over the former Odessa Cafe & Bar at 117 Avenue, via DNAinfo:
The Black Rose, which the owners hope to open at 117 Avenue A by the end of the month, will have more of an “old-school” concept, said co-owner Joseph Daniele.
The owners plan to outfit the space with vintage and repurposed items, like the wooden church doors that have been fashioned into shutters for the restaurant’s window, Daniele said. They kept the property’s red tin ceilings, he added, and stripped the walls to highlight the building’s red brickwork.
Daniele previously owned the Fashion 40 Lounge on 40th Street and Seventh Avenue, per DNAinfo.
And from general manager Ashley Poe: "We’re just going to be a neighborhood rock and roll bar where everybody’s welcome and everybody has fun."
The Black Rose will also offer a limited food menu, including tapas and Italian sandwiches. The hours will be 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. during the week ... and opening at 11 a.m. on weekends.
The Odessa Cafe & Bar closed Aug. 31, 2013. The Odessa restaurant remains next door at No. 119 here between East Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Building that houses Odessa Cafe and Bar for sale on Avenue A
Former GM from Tribeca's Tiny's & the Bar Upstairs part of team to buy the Odessa Cafe
Reader report: Odessa Cafe and Bar will remain open through Sept. 6
Former Odessa Cafe and Bar will serve comfort food specializing in Nashville Hot Chicken
Now what for the Odessa Cafe and Bar?
That sounds cool.
Why couldn't it have been a restaurant instead of another bar, a rock'n'roll bar at that? Get ready for the building to shake from the sound system. I'm so tired of the screaming, bellicose drunks every night. This joint is going to be open until 4 a.m. with loud music? Time to alert the community board.
And cut to people getting hysterical before the paint is even dry.
The doors are a nice touch, but I wonder how much was spent on soundproofing. I feel for the people who live in his building. Odessa was a quiet place to get a drink. This will likely be a whole other thing.
Not good news, if the Yelp reviews for Daniele's now-defunct Fashion 40 Lounge are an indication of how he does business.
I believe the owner of Odessa owns this building as well as the building Odessa is in. Do you know if this is correct, Grieve? Just curious.
I've got a Black Rose rock n' roll story for ya. It was 1986, I was in high school. I was with my best friend Rachel at Mingles off Route 35 in Sayreville, NJ. She was all "Black Rose is playing and I have a crush on Cord, the lead singer," and I was like sure, whatever. Then Black Rose did a cover of "Chinese Rocks." Rachel was not punk rock at all but I was, so of course Cord and I wound up talking about music, the Damned and the Dead Boys blah blah —and Rachel was PISSED. Gee, sorry for being cool!
Anyway it turns out that despite his spandex leopard pants and knowledge of punk rock, Cord was just another Marlboro High School dipshit (seriously, Marlboro = the worst) and Rachel and I got over this minor blip in our friendship.
Top that, Joseph and Ashley
I dislike the fact that bars remain open until 4 am. They should close at 2 if not earlier.
I don't give 'em a dime of business.
"We’re just going to be a neighborhood rock and roll bar where everybody’s welcome and everybody has fun."
The 13th Step’s response of a Michael Asch, one of the two senior co-owners of the 13th Step, to the EV Grieve blog on 7/29/2010 after they opened:
"We end up with a classic, well-thought-out, safe environment ... a great and inexpensive venue where locals can come and eat, drink, watch sports (yes on 28 TVs -- is that so bad?) ... for just a few bucks.”
Fool me once………
This probably passed CB's approval. We've got enough alcohol down here to open a refinery.
Doesn't bother me, if what they are saying isn't bullshit. Anything that doesn't attract LOUD, fratty "woo!" screamers is good.
Hey Pinch — Croman/9300 Realty is the landlord
Ah, ok. I stand corrected. Thanks, Grieve.
This whole thing was so sneaky. Tower Brokerage closed the deal. Tower Brokerage real estate closer for Croman- Icon-banks-ihop-duane reade-----
Hey, 11AM. These dudes are talking about classic rock. You know what that is, right? That's, like, Millennial Mood Music.
Im surprised by the comment regarding the 4am closing. Lets make NYC even more suburban by closing bars at 2. SMH. Is this an age/generational issue? Too bad you dont have a lawn- you could wave your cane and tell me to get off it. Seriously- you need to move to Queens already. Plenty of quiet streets. Cant have young college grads in this town. And no bars. And no noise. Ridiculous.
@CE Are you using the words of one business against another or is there a connection?
Open til 4AM during the week? What time do they close on the weekends, never? The poor squirels in the park acoss the street will never get a good night's sleep again, just like everyone else in the neigbrhood.
@ Ken @ Ken's Kitchen, Why are you so negative on everything? Maybe you should open your own thing and show us how it's done since you claim to be such an expert. Last I checked this was NYC. If you guys want quiet and peaceful nights, move up North. I agree with the lawn and cane comment.
@11:39 am. Will everyone please stop telling people to move to Queens? Please don't come to Queens, the developers have already seized every available parcel of land. The rents are skyrocketing, and every real estate agent is describing it as the new hot market (the whole borough). Don't expect it to be much different than what Brooklyn and Manhattan are dealing with now.
I'm so confused by the comments regarding the bar being opened until 4am - that's the time almost all NYC bars are open until. I don't get the comment...
If I were ever to open a local business in the neighborhood, I'd think twice about it because it seems online vitriol comes with the keys.
The shit being flung at a business that hasn't even opened yet borderlines on Portlandia-esque absurdity. It's one thing if they open and turn out to be shitty neighbors, but all these people have done so far is talk a little to a local blog about the nature of their business and design aesthetic.
When they're driven out and replaced with a chain store, be sure to come back and pat yourselves on the back for "saving nyc."
Sure, just a neighborhood bar for locals... just like Empellón Al Pastor is just a taco restaurant with a door guy...
@11:39 AM No, it's perverse elitism. Bars are OK so long as they are called Manitobas, Continental, Double Down or Doc Holidays.
Read into his ownership of fashion 40 More closely, he sold his shares after 2 years...I say, welcome to the neighborhood. If we as a community are so worried about noise or whatever mischief a 4.a.m. Bar might cause, then why not start with the drugs being sold inside that beautiful park. Grab the pitchforks let's go hunting.
@NOTORIOUS Just saying the PR looks familiar. No problem with having a bar there, will keep an open mind and hope for the best.
If people are so concerned about bands playing, why don't they petition The Pyramid to close?
Its typical EV Grieve to complain about everything. I hope they do well. Its the folks railing about 4 am that aggrivate me. They complain about suburbanization yet they secretly support it. Hypocritical. Bunch of RS scamming closet chain store shoppers. Pathetic really.
Here's an original idea, let's open up another Starbucks so people can barely pay their bills while going to school.. you ever think that's what most of these bars do for young people struggling...
I think it sounds fun - I could end up being wrong but if it's really a rock and roll type hang we don't have too many around these days so let's see...maybe it will be cool. I'm glad it's not a Southern food/oyster bar/craft beer/ETC
In the state I came from bars close at 2 am. I loathe the street noise late at night.
I loathe bars.
i personally am hoping that it turns out to be kinda shabby and great and that they play a LOT of thin lizzy there, as the name implies!
I hope they are heavy on the Stones, the Who, the Clash, Kinks, Led Zeppelin, T-Rex and +1 on the Thin Lizzy.
This actually has the potential to be something awesome. I just hope it's not another frat bar.
To those saying it's cool that this place is open until 4 AM because we don't want to live like they do in suburbia I can tell you have not lived in the EV or NYC for that long. This neighborhood was not loud until recently, about the last 5-7 years. Sure the EV had bars that stayed open late but these for the most part were not the kind of place you got piss drunk at. Clubs still existed and they were located away from dense residential neighborhoods like the EV. If you don't think that drunken frat boys will not go here you're crazy. Those guys show up anywhere the is beer and babes. This place will certainly become the bane of anyone living nearby and we are witness to the EV's transition into another "Hells Square" just south of us. Don't be mistaken this is yet another "theme" bar and the owners are trying to recreate a past that did not really exist here and their patrons will never know the difference.
Anonymous douche April 14, 2015 at 12:03 PM
Guess I struck a nerve or something.
I never claimed to be an expert on anything, rest assured that your weekend barbecues and events in the backyard will be a real hit with the neighbors, especially if they include classic rock at 3:30 in the morning. And I'm not about to "move up north" to suit you and your Philadelphia biz partner.
1:05 AKA 1:11 AKA 1:16 Got it darlin, take a breather.
Born in Upper Manhattan.Lived in EV 22 years. There were plenty of bars we got piss drunk at. I guess all the development and transplants dont like that. This is typical. You moved in and want changes. It all went downhill when white suburbanites moved here and decided it had to be a suburb. To the commenter who noted the 2am closing-please go home. This is supposed to be the city that never sleeps. Right? Take your attitude and strollers. The UES is ready and waiting. Stop the lies. You Bloomberg voting chain store shopping Starbucks loving $1000 stroller pushing idiots. During your next trip to Walgreens buy a mirror. Look in it. See the problem
I Did a search on his name, says he is An actor, if it's the same person....cool
they have 2am closing times in Boston. basically anywhere the English had first would still have Puritan laws. I for one am glad we have no Puritan nonsense to deal with. Thank the Dutch for our liberties here!
Nice trolling attempts, newbie trolls. Stop trying to sell us on this place cuz we ain't buyin' it.
Must agree with 1:42 and also disagree/agree with 1:22 - lived in EV myself since 1993 and the bars always closed at 4am - the way it should be. I get that the lame-o frat gangs did not exist around here then and trust me I can't stand it either - the suburban bro vibe is antithesis of "cool" but we can't not have bars open late because of these idiots only. It's a tough call!
I do not get what people are complaining about. It's not like that spot used to be a bookstore or something. The previous location was a bar. Adjacent is Odessa, a diner where drunk folks go to eat after a night of drinking. So this area has always been a thoroughfare for drunks.
Given that this new bar is going with a classic rock theme and serving craft beer, I doubt frat boys are the target. But we'll see once it opens.
RE EV noise, I moved to the EV in 1980 after school. It was relatively quite. No cell phones, no bars on Ave. B (I live on 6th between A-B), no car alarms, slightly fewer emergency sirens.
Fewer people walking down the street at midnight, as the EV was a more dangerous place and had that reputation. Sleeping was a lot easier and largely interruption-free.
Bring back the 80s as far as I'm concerned, even though I got mugged once as did a number of acquaintances.
Who ever invented car alarms s/b given life in prison.
Sorry but real rock and roll bars do not have tapas.
Just for the record CB 3 did not approve this bar, it was a corporate change. That means two things: the former owner is part owner of the new space so if it becomes a shit-show we have Odessa to thank and 2: they are supposed to assume the same operation, so the accordion doors are not legal as is anything different from what was at Odessa. So don't hang this on the CB if it is a problem as it is clearly the case of the new owners doing a classic bait and switch.
Everyone carrying on about those of us who have issues moving to the suburbs really don't get it. Bars in the EV have always closed at 4 and there have always been bars. However back then they never had open windows and doors or backyards. Does Lucy's, does Mona's, does Doc Holliday's, etc. It's these places that want giant open doors and backyards that are the problem, and that seems to be the majority. So stop your nonsense.
Community Boards generally do not generally allow new businesses like this to stay open until 4AM in residential areas. Instead they put them on a probation period for the first year wth a 1am or 2am closing time. If they prove they can operate without being a neighborhood nuisance then they can stay open later.
If we don't want the EV to turn into Hell Square North then limits like this are necessary. Most operators opening clubs lie about their intentions and once they get the liquor license its too late to do anything about it.
Last time I checked the EV was still a residential neighborhood, not 10th Avenue with all the noisy clubs that are open all night long and where rappers and NBA basketball players brawl and get stabbed at 4am. They need to put this place on probation untl they prove they can be a good neighbor.
Sounds good to me. I would be happy to hear it featured live rock, since we have lost so many live music venues over the years.
Even recorded rock would be good though. Sure beats the top-40 trash that pervades most watering holes.
I wish them success with this. Will check it out.
Those concerned about the crowd: We make the crowd as well. Attend the place and help set the tone as you see fit.
- East Villager
It's a personality (differences) crisis...
...Change into the wolfman howlin' at the moon, HOOOwww....
...But now, frustration and heartache is what you got.
...What's love got to do with it?
...work on through to the other side.
I have no problem with a bar open until 4AM -- and I think most here would agree as well, and we don't need to move to Queens, which has its own set of problems -- it's simply the quality of the clientele who spill out of those places these days.
Re Anon3:48pm: "Who ever invented car alarms s/b given life in prison."
This is New York City, where bars stay open until 4 am. That's why I'm here.
@ 4:20 aren't bars / rest. required to close their backyards after 10pm?
Ken said: "Last I checked this was NYC. If you guys want quiet and peaceful nights, move up North. I agree with the lawn and cane comment."
STOP TELLING US TO MOVE if we can't stand loud, obnoxious, inconsiderate and selfish behavior!
it takes bucks to live in a place that has a lawn. you need a car, and unless you work near your lawn you probably commute to the city for your job. and judging by your cane comment you probably think that everyone that objects to what's going on is too old to live here.
city folks used to be able to co-exist with bars and clubs and still live somewhere that was somewhat quiet and almost peaceful. tourists (and there were always tourists) respected residential neighborhoods.
fire engines, ambulances and garbage trucks can be ignored. stupid drunks that think it's cool to be loud and obnoxious can't.
universities took over, the club scene expanded, and roof top parties and bars proliferated.
the inconsiderate, loud, and selfish rule - as do greedy landlords, and patrons and visitors.
Who said anything about this bar offering live music? You guys are making things up at this point.
Should be called 14th motherfucker step!
"Bars are OK so long as they are called Manitobas, Continental, Double Down or Doc Holidays." Yes - yes they are...
And the people, for the most part, that go to THESE bars as REGULARS are respectful of the neighborhood upon exiting the bars. No - not ALL of them but far more than the "bros 'n hoes" places.
This does sound like a place that could be pretty cool - give 'em a chance before settin' up your gallows, ya wankers...
Scooby, we've been to Doc Holidays MANY times together and the music is so pumped I'd refer to it as weaponized, the atmosphere is loud as fuck, and there are a fair share of bros. I like all the bars I mentioned but please don't make them sound like church on Sunday. They're just as loud as any other bar.
If this isn't some theme-franchise joint, I predict that it will become one - with locations (with identical decor from supplied kits) in Chicago, St. Louis, Austin, Toronto, Cleveland, and suburban Los Angeles.
What you mean, rock and roll? Cuz the rock and roll that I know, ain't gonna pay the bills in 2015 East Village.
Er, Millennials luv dat sh!t. I've been dating a 27-year-old. I just said to him, "you don't seem to listen to anything that was recorded before you were born!" Karaoke with his pals? Same story. 80% pre-1980s. Go figure.
Please vote with your $$$ and patronize the bars you like. If Odessa could make it there they'd still be there. Sad but true. I live at street level (9th - half a block from the horrible 13th Step) and, sorry to say, I kind of like the noise. And the fact that Veselka can stay open 24/7 because there are enough patrons to do so. Not crazy about this area becoming anything like Hell Square in the LES... But I sure like the party atmosphere we have now. I'm glad I live in the city that never sleeps.
Jesus this is the least rock n' roll comment section of all time, could you people be any more boring
I'm going to just hope for a minute that it's a Scrap Bar vibe for 2015. Who knows?
They were going to call it "The Doors" but then they heard that name was already taken by some band.
The EV is now just angry entitled RS apt dwellers. They want quiet. No rock and roll. They say one thing but mean another. Sad. You are the types who really like the whitewashed homogenized EV. Close the bars at 11pm! No live music! No one under 25! Pathetic.
Well said East Villager!!
The East Village 2015: People under 35 and the rest who hate them, anything new, and everything in general.
I don't another bar in the East Village, I want a new live music venue, record store, art gallery, book store, something which facilitates creativity like those things.
How many bars does one neighborhood need?
I mean if you're gonna open one at least have something creative in it? I'm sure some places do and props o them, but most of these places are just places to drink, nothing more.
From the description, it sounds like it's going to be my kind of place, so I'll definitely check it out.
And to the people complaining about the 4am bar-closing time: Welcome to New York.
Loud outdoor bars are not what NYC is about. I would not like my neighbor entertaining and blasting music every night of the week nor would they. I'm sure. Most of those outdoor areas are fire traps with no way out. Also the owners are supposed to section off an area within the garden for smokers to keep them of the street. Ck Board of Health website.
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