EVG contributor Stacie Joy was in Union Square yesterday for the annual event … in which an estimated 400 people (that number via the Post) marched down Broadway from 32nd Street to Union Square for an afternoon of festivities…

[Hello Dana Beal]

From the Post:
[T]he cops adopted a tacit all-toke, no-action policy.
“We have zero arrests, and we don’t plan on having any,” one sergeant told a Post reporter.
Advocates praised the cops’ mellow take on toking as the latest sign New York was inching toward decriminalization.
Last month, Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson warned the NYPD in a memo obtained by The Post that his office would no longer prosecute people caught possessing — or even smoking — marijuana in public.
It's just a symptom of the decline of the U.S. economically. If workers are no longer needed, it's better that they anesthetize themselves than go on the offensive.
Good stuff with the police. No harm in getting a little lifted. I personally love marijuana, on a bright sunny morning, after a long bike ride, with the last nights glass of wine after a good meal with friends. Praise jah.
Use to go to the smoke in when Pope mickey was there bigger event Pope mickey use to have a bag OG good they threw out not like the dirt weed of yo....
Where's David Peel when you need him? :-) He would throw bags of oregano into the crowd.
I wonder if there'll ever be a weedhead couple who has three children and names them Mary, Jane, and Bud.
4:32 we can only dream
4-500 was the number of people in the parade. But if there were only 400 at the rally in Union Square, how did Law Enforcement Against Prohibition collect 800 signatures?
Don't take it from me, Ask Jack Cole/617-798-3877. Of course you can say LEAP is a biased source...
Dana Beal/646-713-1690
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