Those lovable, huggable inflatable Union rats had a moment of TV glory this morning ... as crews for the Hulu series "Difficult People" were filming on Second Avenue at Sixth Street...
One looked like the real deal...

... the other did not...

No word on what they did to craft services.
Bottom three photos by Derek Berg...
OMG the second rat is adorbs!
One is the Ben Shaoul rat, the other the Icon Realty Rat. Rafi Toledano's has been downgraded to an inflatable mouse.
I love the second rat! Reminds me of my dog.
Were they part of the show or protest for a non-union crew?
They are plastic rats, people! Ya wanna see real rats? Go over to Tompkins Square Park.
Why did they need an inflatable rat? There are so many real ones running around the streets of the EV that I am sure they could have found one or two willing to work for the minimal acting rate.
The 2nd one made me laugh.
LOL @ the sunglassed textress oblivious to the rat.
"OMG I'm walking by a giant RUBBER RAT LOL"
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