Load OUT!
A Reuse and Repurposing RIOT
Saturday, 12-3PM
19 East 3rd Street
Between Bowery and 2nd Avenue
FREE E-Waste & Clothing/Textile Collection:
By Lower East Side Ecology Center and GrowNYC / Wearable Collections, April 6th, 12-3PM.
Admission to Load OUT!:
FREE admission for artists and art students
$5 for the general public
At Load OUT!, enjoy an afternoon of repurposing and recycling activities that showcase creative thinking about sustainability and the arts!
GET: Attendees are invited to take home all the donated costumes, props, and furniture they find. Artists are invited to participate for free. The general public will be charged a $5 entrance fee to participate. Whatever you decide to take away with you is FREE of charge.
GIVE: Load Out! also features clothing, textile and e-waste community collections — all open and free for everyone. A full list of accepted donations and other art-related activities is available below. Call 212-228-4670 ASAP to schedule an early donation.
For more details here.
Find articles about this year's event at DNAinfo and Gothamist.
Artist Amanda Browder will be working with FABnyc for the next few months to create a new piece that will cover a building on East 4th Street. DONATE FABRIC during Load OUT! for Amanda's project. Here are some suggested fabrics that you can donate for the project:
*Cotton, stiff fabrics that are not stretchy (flannel, wool, polyester, etc.)
*Colorful or striking patterns
*Bigger sections than a 1ft square — small scraps are always welcome, but the big stuff is useful.
[Image via Fourth Arts Block]
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