[Yesterday's sunrise view from 14th Street]
Stories posted on EVG this past week included...
Off-duty cop pistol-whipped during attempted robbery on 13th Street (Thursday)
A visit to CAVAglass on 7th Street (Wednesday)
Permits filed to demolish former P.C. Richard & Son property to make way for the tech hub (Monday)
Tu-Lu's Gluten-Free Bakery has closed on 11th Street after 9 years (Wednesday)
Restoration watch: 74 E. 4th St., the crown jewel of La Mama's theater community (Tuesday)
The completed new work at the Bowery Mural Wall (Saturday)
The former Grassroots Tavern ready for a renovation (Tuesday)
FULL full reveal at the historic Hamilton-Holly House on St. Mark's Place (Tuesday)
Nobletree Coffee debuts on 2nd Avenue at St. Mark's Place (Saturday)
L-train non-shutdown fallout: Bike lane battle shaping up along 12th and 13th streets (Monday)
Tree-mendous fire wipes out remains of the holiday season in 4th Street pile (Wednesday)
A birthday celebration for Ray at Ray's Candy Store (Tuesday)
Rue-B's daytime service now includes CBD-infused coffee (Thursday)
January Christmas miracles: The holiday tree lights are back ON in Tompkins Square Park (Friday)
Reminders: Here's how you can apply to be a Community Board member (Friday)
The Bowery Bond closes on the Bowery (Thursday)
KC Gourmet Empanadas coming soon to 38 Avenue B (Monday)
Mandala Tibetan Store is closing on St. Mark's Place (Monday)
12 months of inactivity at 75 1st Ave. (Wednesday)
Beijing Express pulls into 3rd Avenue after Gala's quick exit (Monday)
Former Old Monk space for rent on Avenue B (Thursday)
PARTIAL reveal at 80 E. 10th St. (Monday)
...and EVG reader Trixie reports that someone placed MulchFest remains in the tree beds along 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

... there's also fresh mulch in the skateboard planter on Seventh Street...

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