Through the forest have I gone.
But Athenian found I none,
On whose eyes I might approve
This flower's force in stirring love.
Night and silence. Who is here?
Table for two?
Community Board 2 tonight will hear a proposal for a new liquor license for 827 Broadway between 12th Street and 13th Street.
EVG reader Gregg spotted the flyer along Broadway. The applicant is Fierce Little LLC, a production company planning to use the space — the former NU New York — to host their own version of "A Midsummers Night's Dream" titled "Midsummer: A Banquet."

Gregg did a little digging and found a casting call for this short-term production that opens July 27 and closes Sept. 8 (with the possibility of an extension promised).
And sleep, that sometime shuts up sorrow's eye,
Steal me awhile from mine own company.
Now Would you like to hear tonight's specials?
Here's more info via the casting call from last month:
This is a movement-heavy immersive production in which actors handle food. We are seeking a diverse cast of actors who have both significant experience, training, and ease with Shakespeare, formal voice and speech training, and a strong background in contemporary dance or movement, specifically experience with contact improv, weight sharing, and partnering.
Seeking the following 8 roles, plus 2 understudies (1 male, 1 female)
HERMIA/OTHERS: A young lover, female, any race/ethnicity, must be short
HELENA/OTHERS: A young lover, female, any race/ethnicity, must be tall
LYSANDER/OTHERS: A young lover, male, any race/ethnicity.
DEMETRIUS/OTHERS: A young lover, male, any race/ethnicity.
HIPPOLYTA/TITANIA: This role is pre-cast. Both are queens (one an Amazon Queen the other a Fairy Queen). Any race/ethnicity/age. 20-60 years old,
THESEUS/OBERON: Royal men (one a Duke the other a King), 20-60 years old, any race/ethnicity.
NICK BOTTOM/OTHERS: A weaver and over the top amateur actor. Male. Any age, race, ethnicity.
ROBIN GOODFELLOW/OTHERS: A mischievous sprite. Any gender, age, race, ethnicity.
O me, you juggler, you canker-blossom, you thief of love!
Now here is your check.
All this sounds like it could be spectacular — in a good and bad way.
My Oberon, what visions have I seen!
Methought I was enamored of an ass.
Sorry, but we do not accept American Express.
If music be the food of love ... separate checks
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are included in our lunch special
@Anon. 8:26 - Priceless!
OMG! The raven himself is hoarse!
EVG Oberon has a nice ring to it.
Your chance to shine!
And when there's a long line for the bathroom ...
Stand not upon the order of thy going, but go at once.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Drunk? and speak parrot? and squabble? swear?
Do you think because you are virtuous, that there shall ne on more cupcakes and India pale ale?
Eight artisanal, organic, farm-to-table , curated, wild boars roasted at brunch, but twelve persons here splitting the bill or paying one with Venmo
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