[1st Avenue looking south toward 11th Street via Vinny & O]
Report: Ex admits to murdering Elizabeth Lee on Cooper Square (Friday)
Trader Joe's finally confirms that a Trader Joe's is opening on 14th Street at Avenue A (Wednesday)
A visit to Sei Shin Dojo on Avenue A (Friday)
Keeping up with the Joneses: Gabriel Stulman confirms plans for former Great Jones Cafe (Wednesday)
Update on the affordable housing planned for 204 Avenue A and 535 E. 12th St. (Wednesday)
The all-new Essex Market debuts in its new Essex Crossing home (Tuesday)
Prepping the former P.C. Richard & Son for demolition on 14th Street (Friday)
'The First Time I Saw The Ramones' at 72 Gallery (Tuesday)
The former Grassroots Tavern space on St. Mark's Place is on the market (Thursday)
2020 vision: New completion set for Rite Aid-adjacent condoplex on 1st Avenue (Tuesday)
54-56 3rd Ave. is for sale, and there are air rights (Wednesday)
Emergency generator work underway at the Riis Houses on Avenue D (Wednesday)
Concern over new GreenThumb regulations for community gardens (Friday)
Nexus of the Juiciverse: Juicy Lucy's kiosk at 1st and 1st returns to action (Tuesday)
Meet Noodles debuts on 3rd Avenue (Thursday)
This week's NY See strip! (Monday)
A look at 119-121 2nd Ave. post sidewalk-bridge collapse (Monday)
Report: Microsoft signs lease for gas-station replacing office building on Lafayette and Houston (Thursday)
Ravi DeRossi's Fire & Water is closed for now on 7th Street (Monday)
Headless Widow signage arrives on 1st Avenue (Friday)
Jackdaw, coming soon to the former Durden space on 2nd Avenue (Monday)
Demolition watch: 238 E. 3rd St. (Tuesday)
Sandwicherie has closed on 4th Avenue and 13th Street; doomed corner status yet? (Monday)
With a new menu, Little Tong dropping the Noodle Shop on 1st Avenue (Thursday)
3 chances to hear about the city's plan to stormproof East River Park — and the East Side (Monday)
Steiner East Village retail watch on Avenue A (Thursday)
Bright Horizons signage arrives at EVGB on 14th Street (Monday)
Portraits from DanceFest in Tompkins Square Park (Saturday)
... and a few photos via Steven from the 13th Annual Dance Parade yesterday along St. Mark's Place...

... and one last reader submission from the DanceFest yesterday in Tompkins Square Park... though he's technically not dancing...

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Could someone please explain that levitation pic.
Theres a platform under the rug on the ground that the stick is attached too. Attached to top of the stick there is another platform/seat that he is sitting on.
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