[Mini UFO on Avenue B? Via Bobby Williams]
Christine Quinn threatens media who run ad she doesn't like (The Village Voice)
Police say this guy tried to steal a purse on East Eighth Street (CBS)
Another fucking FroYo chain invades NYC (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
EV artist Stephen Tashjian (Tabboo!) has a new book out (Paper)
The East Village of a TV show called "Mad Men" versus the actual neighborhood in the 1960s (The New York Times)
Great old-timer Pizza Box closing on Bleecker (BoweryBoogie, Flaming Pablum)
TR Crandall Guitars now open on East Third Street (DNAinfo, previously on EV Grieve)
A tribute to 6 great diners (The Lo-Down)
Summer in the City, Spring edition (Slum Goddess)
DBGB hosting a pig roast featuring special guest Marky Ramone (Eater)
And, as we exclusively reported last night, it rained. And thundered!
— evgrieve (@evgrieve) April 11, 2013
Also! Mark Benigno put together a composite of the lightning strikes...

Christine Quinn is, in her own way, as big a thug as Michael Bloomberg, she's just not an oligarch to boot. But her willingness to cozy up to developers and threaten those who run ads against her (hey Chris, better check the dictionary for the definition of "democracy"!) shows that she would be just as bad as Bloomie, if not worse, because she will have to pander and whore for re-election money, whereas he never did. She would be a continuation of the disaster that has befallen NY since the Boston Carpetbagger took office, and I sincerely hope Anthony Weiner throws his - hat - into the ring and takes her on. He'd get my vote.
Damn, what a photo!
Yes, the bread. Er, UFO.
Oh! The lightning! Yes! Quite a show! Couldn't capture it on Vine!
Gojira -- I wish Sal Albanese could get some traction in the race, but I'd vote for Liu. Anybody but Q. I've already had too many terms of Bloomberg to sit for another three.
What photo? Oh...cool, Igor.
Apparently the StayPuft Marshmallow Man was seen somewhere on the Upper West at the same time this was going on.
I think Ed Koch was born in the Bronx, not Boston.
If Weiner put something in the ring, its not apt to be his hat. This guy cannot expect to get votes with his recent "exposure"...although I agree we should hunt for someone with a more "lengthy experience" than Quinn.
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