From the EV Grieve inbox...
Friday at 9 a.m. on the steps of City Hall, City Councilwoman Rosie Mendez, Chair of the Committee on Public Housing, and Council Members Margaret Chin and Melissa Mark-Viverito will be joined by other elected officials, Tenant Association Presidents, community organizations, advocates and concerned residents as they hold a press conference to demand that the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) improve the Infill Development process to empower residents.
The Council Members will then proceed to Council Chambers in City Hall to conduct an oversight hearing of NYCHA’s Infill Development/land lease proposal and to consider a resolution that calls on NYCHA to “engage its residents in planning for and to include certain requirements in any ground leases for NYCHA land.”
In addition to the provisions in the resolution, the Council members will call on NYCHA to hold themselves to a “gold standard” of resident and community engagement, including, without limitation:
• Additional time between Infill meetings at affected developments so that all affected Tenant Associations and residents can secure independent legal and technical assistance to review plans and make meaningful comments
• Additional time between now and the release of the RFP — including a third meeting where residents and their “technical advisory team” can review a draft RFP and comment upon it before it is released
• NYCHA must ensure that all comments on the Infill plans are addressed and responded to; they must also provide a paper based system (to compliment the online portal) that captures the comments of those who do not have internet access. Lastly, suggestions should be centrally posted and logged for all residents to review
• NYCHA should commit to full Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) review for each Infill site, ensuring that the community has an effective voice in the process and that additional considerations and interconnected issues that major development presents are unilaterally addressed
Previously on EV Grieve:
Outrage over proposal to turn the green space at the Meltzer Tower into private development (35 comments)
Here's what's in store for Campos Plaza under the city's land-leasing plan (16 comments)
Typical of Mendez and Chin - "give the residents time to be heard... but then, go ahead and do whatever you want. That way we can say we did something when we really didn't." ha.
Don't expect anything from GOLES and The Cooper Square Committee either. They just follow orders. They are as weak and submissive as they come. I still can't believe that they allowed themselves to be coerced by Dominic Pisciotts Berg and David McWater on the Spura Plan.
leave it to rosie to use a press conference to call for a better infill development plan (is that what you call sell out these days) instead of taking the opportunity to come out against the plan.
sort of like government calling for a study instead of action.
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