Multiple EVG readers have noted that the Landmark Bicycles shop has apparently closed on the corner of Avenue A and Third Street... the storefront is now empty and the gates remain down... all this follows the arrival of clearance signs several weeks ago. There isn't any mention of a closure on Landmark's website or Facebook page.
Landmark first opened in 2008 around the corner on Third Street (where St. Mark's Bookshop later moved) selling vintage bicycles and parts... before relocating to the corner space in late 2012 where the scope of their merchandise expanded to include new bike models and accessories. Landmark opened a location in Williamsburg in the spring of 2012.
Bike shops keep closing :((((
I have trouble understanding the seemingly contradictory nature of the comments here... mourning bike shops closing vs. super hateful language directed towards cyclists themselves. Which is it?
You’d have to sell so many bikes and do so many tune ups to pay a local rent. So sad. Its virtually impossible.
and yet there seem to be more two wheelers on nyc streets than ever.
We’re mourning the loss of independent local businesses. It’s not the bikes or the bike shops that are the object of our wrath- it’s the cyclists that ignore the rules of the road and endanger pedestrians, cars and other cyclists.
Simple.we LOVE the hardworking business owners BUT ABHOR the freaks flying the wrong way, thru predestrians and just being all-around scumbags.
100% agreement
Yes, Anon 11:39, I hope you're getting the point: Some cyclists make you hate them when they make it impossible to walk with safety and dignity. No, it's not all cyclists. And there are many bad pedestrians too.
But the bottom line is: Humans are soft and slow. Bicycles are hard and fast.
that shop was trash. rude and uneducated staff. Couldn't even fit my bike for replacement seat post. "no idea what size it is, do you know?".
No. Bikes are soft and moderate speeds. They very rarely, to the point of never, kill. Cars are very hard and very fast and kill about 15 New Yorkers *every month* like clockwork.
The cycleist hate and ignorance (is there a difference?) here has always been rampant.
Simple hypocrisy.
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