Several readers pointed out the arrival this past week of the Cookie Walk signage at St. Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church on Avenue A and 10th Street... so here you go.
The 9th Annual Cookie Walk is set for Dec. 9-10 ... 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Dec. 9 and noon to 3 p.m. on Dec. 10. Find more details here.

Such a great cause :)
I know that $35 sounds expensive, but it is SO WORTH IT. The cookies are small so you can fit so many in the box — enough to share and give. The people are fantastic, the spirits are high. I can't recommend the cookie walk enough...it has the tendency to soften the edges of the grinchiest among us.
I agree with you. It is so worth it! If you pack the box right you can get just about 3lbs of cookies. With prices of cookies in NYC selling for $15-20/lb this is a great deal. And they are all freshly made.
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