As we posted yesterday, crews prepped 10th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue for a circa-2015 Christmas scene for a "Mr Robot" shoot tomorrow.
There has been some grumbling in general about the number of film and TV shoots in the area... and an EVG reader wonders if this is one way for someone to make his or her feelings known — removing one of the posted film-production signs to use for the dog, and then leaving it behind ... spotted along 10th Street where "Mr. Robot" will be filming...

Kudos to the poop person. It is outrageous how many permits the city issues for filming in the EV. I wish I had actually tracked how many times I walked out my front door in the morning or came home in the evening on E. 6th between Bowery and Second Avenue to find the street lined with trucks for filming crews. The noise from the generator units and food trucks, not to mention the idling of numerous other engines is polluting in both noise and air quality.
Plus the fact that residents who park on the street (I do not) have to find alternate parking in a neighborhood which has lost parking to bike lines, bus lanes, hotel loading zones, parking meters and schools, is an major inconvenience and an outrageous disregard for our residents.
Either a very small sign or a very big dog.
1. You don't know if a dog did that.
2. Film crews bring jobs and business to a lot of arts workers.
3. When are they going to do a show all about the homeless.
Boo hisss dog owner, my guess is you never pick up after your dog and the film crew didn't clean this up either. Thanks for be a bad neighbor.
Temporary jobs to workers and the billion dollar companies receive the same tax credits everyone complained about with Amazon. Can't have it both ways!
More human than human.
Much of the city is glassy towers, so... we're lucky yet this happens.
Should be a rotation or a limit, 10th and 11th it is constant.... and The Village (in Brooklyn) show killed a 50 year old tree, can't replace that.
So.... the first commentor clearly left the poop.
Notorious....sorry but you have probably heard this many other times in your life.... you are wrong. This did give me an idea though...next time the trucks are on my block I am going to the dog run, get as many dog owners together as possible, borrow a dog from a friend and lead them all up and down the street to do their business as a present to the film crews.
Hah...don't I wish. But it is fun to think about.
Yes, it is possible I'm wrong, but not nearly as wrong as your eratic, even disturbing misuse of the elipsis. The ruckus caused by your punctuation fist pounding nearly detracts from the otherwise lovely human being your neighbors must know you to be.
Perhaps it's not too late to give up elipses for lent?
Hey Donnie, I too always thought a tv show about the homeless would be interesting.
Originally, I thought a sitcom format like Seinfeld but featuring only homeless main characters could be kinda weird and funny if done right, kinda tongue and cheek or satirical of the sitcom-concept perhaps, but maybe that would be too lighthearted these days for a rather serious subject...
Love It ! So Funny !
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