[9th Precinct file photo]
The 9th Precinct is hosting three Sector Safety Summits this month for East Village residents and business owners.
The next one is scheduled for Wednesday evening (Sept. 18) at 6:30 at Cooper Union for those in Sector D...

The Sector B meeting is Set. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in Campos Plaza...

The Sector C meeting is Sept. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Standard East Village...

Use this link to find out what Sector you're in for sure, and what meeting you should attend. Find the sectors and the responsible officers here.
As for these Sector meetings: "This is an avenue for you to voice your grievances or concerns with issues in and around the neighborhood."
This is part of the NYPD's initiative called the Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCO) program. The 9th Precinct is split up into four sectors, with two officers assigned to each sector. (And not sure when the next meeting is for Sector A!)
Meanwhile, on Tuesday night at 7, the 9th Precinct hosts its monthly Community Council meeting at the station house on Fifth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.
This is an opportunity for residents to address any concerns and ask 9th Precinct officials for their input on recent crime statistics. (Find the PDF of the most recent crime stats here.)
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