Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Moving Day aftermath

East Seventh Street at Avenue A last night via Dave on 7th.

Seemed as if people were moving in or out of practically every building around this past weekend…


Anonymous said...

Possibly the trashiest moving day of the year beating out the spring evacuation of NYU's dorms. The furniture was most Ikea, broken either before landing on the curb or soon afterwards. I recall moving here in 1981 and finding decent furniture on the streets to furnish my first apartment, not the case now.

Anonymous said...

I honestly could not believe the state of moving day this year, and I've been in my building 15 years ... just, trash thrown over the side of the stairwell, piling up, no attempt to bag things up, to break down the easily dissembled cheap furniture -- it was like the entire contents of these peoples' apartments were unloaded into the hallways. As if they had 24 hours notice they'd be leaving (which I doubt). Just shit everywhere. And then, amazingly, 12 hours later, new tenants moving in. I wanted to commiserate with the new tenant and ask her how bad a state her new apartment was left, but she barely looked at me before shutting* the door and calling out for her mom. I have never felt so deeply depressed for our maintenance/supers who already work several buildings at a time for our degenerate predatory equity landlords.

* shutting s/b SLAMMING. WTF is wrong with all of these noob tenants that they all slam their fucking doors 24/7? I've stopped even asking them to please shut them gently. Animals.

Scuba Diva said...

Anonymous 12:56 PM quoth:

* shutting s/b SLAMMING. WTF is wrong with all of these noob tenants that they all slam their fucking doors 24/7? I've stopped even asking them to please shut them gently. Animals.

At least the doors in these renovated apartments have been replaced with hollow particleboard; the doors in my [unrenovated] apartment are old, heavy solid wood and make an impressive slam.

The apartment next door to me was vacated by two young women who moved in a few months ago and either broke the lease or got a couple of guys to take over the lease; they

Anonymous said...

The doors in my building, renovated or not, are metal. When they slam, the entire apartment rattles.