Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bad break for a linden tree in Tompkins Square Park

Crews were out inspecting this linden tree in Tompkins Square Park this morning...

Given where the linden split after this round of storms, workers will likely have to remove the tree located near Temperance Fountain...

Photos by Derek Berg


Laura Goggin Photography said...

Nooo! That's one of my favorite trees. :(

In a related question, I'm curious as to why the park replaces lost trees with tiny saplings. Is there a reason larger trees cannot be planted? Is it a question of $$$?

Anonymous said...

That linden tree looks like it had been poorly pruned in the past, hence the reason for that break where it happened.

em said...

@Goggla, it's standard practice to plant saplings. More mature trees often do poorly when they are transplanted, since their root growth is much more robust at that stage, and accustomed to a given location (so disrupting that can leave the tree very vulnerable to disease/death). The saplings don't provide the lovely benefits of mature trees, but it's the most likely way to plant a tree that will thrive in the future!

Anonymous said...

It was inevitable.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a new tree here would be a place where people could remember the Blast

Anonymous said...

It definitely is also a money thing, and a practicality thing. The acclimation issue can be addressed with soil amendments. I paid $5-6,000 each to have two mature trees planted at my house. Practically speaking, this can only be done with vertical trees that do not have a large shade canopy, as they are otherwise impractical to remove, ball, transport, plant, level and balance.