The annual Drag March departed Tompkins Square Park last evening for the walk to the Stonewall Inn … EVG contributor editrrix was there and shared photos from the Park with us…

Find her whole set from last night here. And check out Goggla's photos from the evening here. As she wrote: "Beautiful day, beautiful people."

These are some seriously good photos. Painterly and atmospheric. I was there and it was a beautiful event but somehow these images add a theatrical mystery. Thanks to the photographer!
I love this, and I can only suppose it was made all the more wonderful by the SCOTUS decision earlier that morning. Congratulations!
Very theatrical!
I met the gentleman in the last two photos on my bus ride home on Friday. He and he photographer friend were on their way to TSP. I was having the worst day, and he and his friend chatted with me about fashion and NYC and life and all that good stuff, and made me feel human again. So, thanks for that, kind fabulous stranger. *twirls in your honor*
This is one of NYC's great traditions. It is relatively undiscovered and happens the Friday before the Pride Parade on Sundays. Music and a feeling of empowerment as the streets open up for a positive and fun experience.
The Drag March was felicitously-timed this year and a welcome addition to the festive gathering outside Stonewall.
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