A crew spent the entire holiday weekend working on the renovations at Phebe's Tavern & Grill on the Bowery at East Fourth Street.
As we reported last week, Phebe's closed after business on Aug. 24 for — as they described it — "a little facelift."
That facelift includes a new brick look.

They are expected to reopen Friday at 5.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Phebe's closed 'for a little facelift' on the Bowery
Now all Phebe's needs to do is change the name on the sign to Denny's and their transformation will be complete. This looks just like the new Denny's down in the Financial District, which offers $300 bottles of Dom Perignon along with their Grand Slam Breakfast. Because on Wall Street everyone needs a $300 bottle of champagne to wash down their hash browns and pancake puppies.
But with all the SROs clising down, we won't be able to call it Windows on the Winos any more.
I really cant figure out why they are bothering to do this renovation in the first place. My only thought is that they are going to use it as justification to raise prices and upscale the joint. Perhaps a little of keeping of with the Jones' (or B Bar that is)
This place reads "valet parking" to me now.
Where's the drive-thru window!?
I'm confused, no theme????
I agree with the other posts. This is a very peculiar choice of design for this place. It looks like it could be in the parking lot of a strip mall in suburban Miami.
Also, didn't it kind of look like this in the first place? I mean before the fairly recent renovation which opened it up, with the installation of the big sliding cafe-style doors that opened it up to the street?
They got rid of the big windows that swung open and gave the bar an open airy feel. What a shame!
It looks like Phebe's is remodeling for the future, instead of the past!
I went here once in the mid-1980's I don't recall much about it. Nothing, will stay the same on the Bowery for much longer, heck I wonder when some developer will suggest renaming it to South, South Park Ave?
Around 35 years ago, this was an after work hang-out for the 9th Precinct cops. Saw some of the nastiest fights in there, Cop vs Cop.
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