The New York City Department of City Planning has released a revised neighborhood map updated with new neighborhoods, statistics and topographical features, according to a sentence that I just lifted straight from The Wall Street Journal today.
Head over to the Department of City Planning website to download a map for free.
Also, please note the disclaimer on the bottom of the map page:
"Neighborhood names are not officially designated. Due to space constraints, this map product does not include an exhaustive list of known neighborhood names."
Which explains why the map doesn't include such locales here as Astor Place, WeAs (West of Astor), LeLa (left of Lafayette Street), SoFaBo (South of Facebook) and Stuyversy (The merger beween Stuytown and Gramercy Park).
Thanks to Giovanni for some of those fine names.
Despite DCP's awkward title ("New York City - A city of Neighborhoods"), it's not really a neighborhood map. It's a Manhattan community board map with major neighborhoods within each district listed.
i am lost now!
East Village should be/have been renamed:
∙Sorostitute County or Sorostituty or SoCo
∙Borough of Bros or Bro Borough or BroBor
∙Douche Duchy or Dodu or Douchy
∙Tech Kingdom
∙Trendeatery Territory or Trendeaterytory
∙College District or CoDi
∙Post-college Stomping Ground or PoStoGro
∙Biscuit Bureau or BisBur
∙Froyo Republic
∙Transient Landing or TraLa
∙Vale of Ariel, ruled by House Palitz from the now defunct castle known as Sutra
∙21st arrondissement
∙Empire of CB3
TOTALLY excluded B.A.M.B.I. : “Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridge Interspace.”.
Looks like euphemistic Real Estate Speak like "Manhattan Valley" and "Carnegie Hill" is becoming a thing. If you market it, they will come?
East Village and Greenwich could fairly be called University Village. Murray Hill should be Upper East Village.
No no no no no no.
It's Hells Kitchen! Always and forever.
Why does the EV have to share that same (bruised) pink with Chelsea? I would have voted for neon green.
As soon as the "quality" people started moving in, it became "Clinton," which was probably its official name anyway.
As for films about Hell's Kitchen, I'm partial to Hell's Kitchen Chronicle, a 1984 ethnographic film which lamented the snowballing gentrification of the neighborhood. This may be a reliable link to download it, but I haven't tried myself. (The movie contains the memorable line, "It's worse than hell! It's Hell's Kitchen!)
"Midtown South" is in the wrong place....
They left out my neighborhood, OffSzoPla (off Szold Place).
The map seems kinda pointless if you can't see what the street names are the define what is a neighborhood.
I can't find the label for Midtown South South, or SoSo.
I see that on this map, a huge swath of the East Village has been taken over by HOHO. Essentially NOHO now extends to First Ave. I have seen other city maps where this area around Second Ave, below 4th street is labeled as Bowery (district). I don't know if it is a city thing, or a real estate people thing, but this area is definitely in the middle of an attempt at rebranding
Surprised they missed NoSoSloZo (the areas to the north and south of the new EV slow zone). Oh well.
Thanks Scuba Diva! I will check that out! And great name by the way. I love it!
ugh.. why did they choose that color blue for the east river????? everyone knows that's not its color. When are these people going to get their heads out of their rear????
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