[Photo from Feb. 27]
Last week, we noted that the former Russian Souvenirs shop on East 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue will become a coffee shop. (Still haven't heard anything else about the new proprietor.)
And workers removed the Russian Souvenirs sign the other day...

Anyway, we always liked that sign.
And just like that on Saturday, EVG regular Bayou ran into the sign waiting for the uptown Q at Union Square... heading out to Jackson Heights...

Apparently the sign was salvaged by someone who grew up near Russian Souvenirs ... and she hopes to be able to track down the store's owner.
The shop specializing in Russian tchotchkes closed last July. The proprietor said that his rent had increased.
Back on East 14th Street, the mobile phone center that opened in the early fall next door is already out of business... that storefront is for rent...

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Russian Souvenirs is no more on East 14th Street
The former Russian Souvenirs will become a coffee shop on East 14th Store
i think they over invested in illegal hooverboards
Exodus 14, the sneaker consignment place right across the street (close to the bubble tea place and the Aum Shanti bookstore) also abruptly closed up shop about two weeks ago. I was sad to see them go, they had pretty cool kicks in the window display, and IMO collector apparel is always preferable to dumb coffee, more booze, diabeetus food, etc.
So the mobile phone center was there for like, what, 7 months? Jeez, is there not one single politician out there who sees a problem with this spreading issue, or who cares about trying to maintain some kind of stability in the commercial spaces in his/her cachement area? (Rhetorical question, obviously there is not. Silly me.)
I'm glad someone salvaged that sign. I always liked that hand-painted bear.
Love how it's being towed on a Radio Flyer wagon. God Bless them for trying to get that thing on the subway.
I am just so dang glad that somebody saved that gol danged sign, nostrovia!
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