A few photos that we published in 2018. Thank you to all the EVG contributors... and thanks to you for reading! Happy 2019!

[Photo by Dave on 7th]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo outside the Sunshine Cinema by EVG reader Karen]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Walter Wlodarczyk]

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Dan Efram]

[Photo by Peter Brownscombe]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by Grant Shaffer]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Goggla]

[Photo by Cheyenne]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

[Photo by Lola Sáenz]

[Photo by Steven]


[Photo by Dan Efram]

[Photo by Brucie]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Daniel Root]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by Christine Champagne]

[Photo by Peter Feld]

[Photo by Sparber]


[Photo by Goggla]

[Photo by Peter Brownscombe]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by Steven]


[Photo by James and Karla Murray]

[Photo by Goggla]

[Photo by @EdenBrower]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by @jesuscphotographynyc]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by New York Shitty]

[Photo by Daniel]

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by Lola Sáenz]

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by Adrian Wilson]

[Photo by Gregg Greenwood]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by peter radley]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by Vinny & O]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by Dan Efram]

[Photo by Caz Lulu]

[Photo by Derek Berg]

[Photo by @academyrecords]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by Animal Haven]

[Photo by Robert Miner]

[Photo by Dan Efram]

[Photo by Deryn Nannery]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

[Photo by KT]

[Photo by @GMKevv]

[Photo by Stacie Joy]

YESSS! what amazing shots! thanks to the very talented photographers and to the wonderful grieve! the ev's still got it, thanks in no small part to you all!
Great Photos!
Happy New Year, Grieve!! Thanks so much for everything you do for the EV!
Thank you so much!
Thank you for keeping our community together in your blog while out there it is disappearing daily. It really helps to cope and deal with all the loss.
Weirdest year yet!
What a soulful collection! Thank you for this! Some of these are iconic - all are great!
So many fantastic pics - but the dogs tugging over the frisbee - funny !
Thank You All !
Great photos. What a year. Eden Bee is right, it was such a weird year, one that seemed like it would never end. The weather was weird too. with all that endless rain, and not enough snow, and then it ended so quickly as all the holidays flew by. I’d forgotten all about the Three Black Rhinos, and the great East Village Cheese meltdown. I remember the Dance Parade was a washout, yet they all kept dancing in the rain, and Summer Streets was mostly a washout, until the third and final weekend which was great.
One of the dictionaries picked “justice” as their word of the year, but “bankruptcy” would be just as fitting. In addition to so many local shops, Sears and Kmart are bankrupt, Toys R Us is gone. But so is Nicoletta, and Three of Cups, Cucina di Pesci and St Dymphna’s and worst of all, Dojos and the Sunshine Cinema. I still need that recipe for Dojo’s soy burger dinner.
Our mass transit system is still broken, yet Governor Cuomo is crowing as if he’s going to magically fix it all at once, and Mayor DeBlasio has all but disappeared form the planet. I remember that the trains broke down more than ever, and electric scooters are now zooming everywhere. Citibike still can’t rebalance thier system, and even with new ownership it had a series of major outages, including a complete meltdown in early December when there wasnt a single place to return a Citibike in all of lower Manhattan. The bigger the system gets, the harder it is to manage.
In the old days the taxis would refuse to take you to certain places, or diisappera when it started to rain. Now Uber cars mysteriously disappear right before they are supposed to arrive, for no apprent reason. This city still can’t seem to get any transit systems to work properly, because corruption will always be our greatest natural resource.
What I haven’t forgotten is Anthony Bourdain, and what an indelible mark he left on our collective consciousness. He showed that media can be used to improve the world, to educate, to tell the truth and not to lie, bully or oppress others as the Mango Moron does every day. EV Grieve gives us the news and information we need, and for that I am grateful. Happy New Year Grieve and to all of the regulars. May 2019 be a little less weird and a lot more healthy, bright and happy.
Thanks, Grieve. We love and appreciate you.
Small correction: They were three Northern White Rhinos at Astor Place, though they are gray, not white, and no one seems to know for sure why they are called White Rhinos. The other day we watched an excellent National Geographic doc, Rhino Rescue, in which they transported Southern White Rhinos (another sub-species) to Botswana, to save them from poachers. Like all the big herbivores, they seem sad and soulful on my tv screen...
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