An early morning confrontation on Avenue A near Ninth Street left one man with a stab wound while police chased a gun-toting suspect through Tompkins Square Park.
Patch has details:
About 4:40 a.m., a group of guys was filming a video when a second group of men became angry they were filming, telling the group, "Yo, why you filming us?," an NYPD spokesperson told Patch.
The two groups began fighting, and one person was stabbed in the back, police said. The person was rushed to Mount Sinai Beth Israel for stitches, but had non-life-threatening injuries, officials said.
The victim told police that one of the men in the other group had a gun.
Cops chased him through Tompkins Square Park, and the gunman unloaded it and drops it on the ground, police said.
Two men were reportedly arrested. Other details weren't immediately available.
Here's how the incident played out on the Citizen app...

Let me guess, the depraved crowd that hangs at the "chess" tables was the other group. NYPD needs to clear out this clot of entitled degradation.
I saw a fight last week during the green market Saturday when a staffer confronted a man who was shooting up in the park at the chess tables a few feet from kids and the food stalls.
(They could also pull out the tables and do something else with the space.)
two sundays ago I saw a couple of the "chess" table rats fighting each other with clubs - it would have been entertaining but it was just a matter of time before they came spinning out into the farmer's market and hit some citizens. NYPD showed up in about 7 minutes but interestingly they entered the park at the 3 exits furthest from the "chess" tables and took about 10 minutes to get over there, by which time the scummers had time to see the cops and move along.
I agree.. close park 10pm.. clear it out. It is a junkie Haven
I am afraid to walk my dog at 5am bc so many junkies in area.
That area of the park has always been "junkies row" as long as I can remember addicts and a medley of the misbegotten. But rarely does it erupt with any violence and when it does it is with each other. The chess tables used strictly for chess playing must have been decades ago.
A guy shooting up in TSP? Thats the problem? The problem is the rich folks and their green market and their coddled kids. They just has a festival for Charlie Parker in TSP. He was a heroin addict who died at 34. The doctor who examined his body thought he was at least 60.. Thats a big part of the history of the place. Heroin, riots, punk rock, jazz. Not 2 million dollar apartments and green markets and kids who go to private schools. Where is GG Allin when you need him?
1:43 you're seriously celebrating people ODing on a terrible drug? Just because something is "history" doesn't mean it should be celebrated or encouraged.
Comments like this are like alternate universe curmudgeon Trump that lives in the East Village. Try to have some perspective.
Charlie Parker "The Birdman" lived down here in the fifties a few years his neighbors hated him.The history of TSP goes back much more the Heroin, Punk rock and Jazz. It was the scene of the Civil War Draft riots. Green Markets great we have community gardens as well coddled kids you say? I see responsible parenting maybe if some of these junkies were coddled kids they would not be junkies today. Missing that is like missing the AIDS and crack epidemic.
What has the park got to do with this... Seriously, people, you've always got your knickers in a knot over one thing or another... This happened outside Doc Holiday's and not in the park. The guy running away jumped the fence into the park, and the guy they arrested outside Lucy's wasn't a park dweller.
Well, he didn't have to jump the fence. The park is open 24-7-365. Seriously, the violence in this neighborhood is out of control. The point is this community is begging for it to stop.Thats why we're losing our minds, thank you.
Green market is on Sundays
You pickle smoochers would have cried your way back to your mommy's basement if you had to deal with Tompkins park in the 80's and early 90's.
I’m pretty sure that pickle smooching is illegal in every state except for Alabama and Kentucky,
As for those who like to complain about the homeless, where the hell are they supposed to go? At least you know they will be congregating in certain areas of the park that you can easily avoid. While it is still nowhere as luxurious and well maintained as every other park west of Avenue A, TSP is as nice as its ever been. There are tons of people enjoying the park every day, so apparently most people are not offended about whatever going on over at the chess tables, at least not enough to take detailed meticulous notes on their daily activities and then post them on EV Grieve.
Maybe go join a homeless outreach group if you really want to help them, but apparently thats not the real agenda here. I bet a few posters wouldn’t mind building a wall around the chess tables and putting those people in cages, because that’s what America is tying into these days, a sad imitation of the Weimar Republic.
I think many of the junkies want to be there.. a shelter does not allow you to do drugs.
They have freedom there to do as they please.
I do feel bad for truly homeless who lost their job and can not afford a place but that is not who is in park. There are services for that.
It is all Junkies.. life long junkies... who are scary to children and annoying to neighbors trying to enjoy parking and just bc Charlie Parker was a junkie does not mean junkies have a right to live there and we like the Green market. ( I have lived in EV 25 years)
I do hate the 2 million apts though! who can afford that!
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