An EVG reader shared this photo showing that a Coinstar coin-cashing machine has arrived in the basement level at the Astor Place Kmart.
Just in case you needed to unload some change.
There's also one over at the PayOMatic at 303 E. Houston St. between Clinton and Attorney.
And we'll lose the Coinstar machines — in 2023 — when the Food Emporium becomes a Target on Union Square. You know what that means!

[EVG comments screengrab]
TD Bank's machines were not counting correctly and they pulled them - plus they probably weren't bringing the right people into the bank - the homeless come in everytime they get a dollars worth of change.
The old Commerce Bank brand, which TD bought out about a decade or so ago, pioneered free coin counting. Now, the Commerce founder is back with a similar brand, Republic Bank. And so is free coin counting for everyone. Not an endorsement of the Bank per se, just stating a fact.
The Republic Bank on 14 & 5 has one!
The Dag's on First and 20th has one. In the back, near the poor sushi guy.
Too far to schlep a ton of change without a Sherpa...
I go to my bank and ask for the paper rolls. Then I plop down in front of the tube with a kitchen scale and make coin rolls. It's a soothing activity, and best of all I get to keep 100% of the cash.
Anonymous Feb 20 @ 11:29. Right after the New Year I was fed up with the various piles and buckets and stacks full of change in our apartment so I was looking and looking for a reliable CoinStar machine and finally gave up. So I marched myself up to our Citibank on First Ave (we still miss the Avenue A branch terribly) where they gave me a ton of those paper rolls and I sat for a week and rolled up $569.00. It is now sitting in our apartment because I'm too lazy to take it all back up to Citibank. Alas my intentions were good. Curious how much you rolled up and what you did with the $. Best, jg
Jose Garcia , there is a citibank on the corner of Grand and Clinton
After TD Bank had to discontinue their coin-counting machines due to their unreliability, I don't know that I'd trust ANY coin-counting machine anywhere.
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