Saturday, June 13, 2015

I want to believe

EVG regular Spike noticed what could be a UFO... or maybe swamp gas ... over the neighborhood this evening.

Perhaps there are other theories...


Gojira said...

Oh no! It's a flying acai bowl!

Anonymous said...

It was a gin advertisement in blimp form. Do you really need to know more?

Anonymous said...

Saw one a few years ago, while sitting outside with a friend.

These guys who worked at a corner store showed me video they'd shot with iPhone on a hunting excursion - the UFO sort of danced around in the sky at a low altitude. However, one of the guys told me that he often sees stuff like that when he goes hunting - such as a very large, long, rectangular craft floating by, slowly and silently, about 20 feet overhead - solid black, with a glowing green outline of an upward-pointing triangle on the rear, with a smaller, solid upward-pointing illuminated red triangle inside the green one.

daho said...

I saw it earlier this evening. It's a blimp.

Anonymous said...

I swear to god for a split second I thought it was a UFO, i thought this is it, this is the end... the next second I thought it was a drone, by the following second I calmed down and realized it was just a blimp. Got my binoculars and saw that it was an ad for Hendricks Gin. They actually have a contest on their website for people to send in their shots of the blimp - the prize is a chance to ride and drink their gin in that thing!

Anonymous said...

That was my Amazon drone delivering fresh acai and hooves!

Anonymous said...

It's so much fun to be tricked into marketing buzz! Also, fuck off, all blimp ads.

Anonymous said...

Fro yo in a hoof -- on the astral plane? (w/ apologies to the Modern Lovers)