[Photo by Derek Berg]
Some love for the underrated SenYa on First Avenue (Eater)
Help Bluestockings improve their space and thrive for another five years (Indie GoGo)
46 percent of P.S. 15 students on the LES lacked permanent housing during the previous school year (Chalkbeat)
Late-night fistfight(s) on Ludlow Street (BoweryBoogie)
Details on the Mental Health Film Festival at the Village East Cinema Saturday (Mental Health Film Festival site)
The Pizza Rat plushie (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
Kossar’s Bialys on Grand Street closes for renovations (The Lo-Down … see our tour of the space here)
Turmoil at the Elizabeth Street Garden (The New York Times)
Police Commissioner Bill Bratton: "Let's get beyond the hyperbole, let's get beyond 'the good old days.' Mayor Bloomberg is gone. Commissioner Kelly is gone. Get over it." (Metro)
Reading Frank O’Hara's "Lunch Poems" (Ephemeral New York)
The Synagogues of East Sixth Street (Off the Grid)
A Johnny Ramone Rickenbacker is up for auction (Clash Magazine)
A performance by the Misguided at CBGB in 1983 (Flaming Pablum)
The NYC photography of Jill Freedman (The New York Times)
… and longtime East Village resident Michael Palladino has an art show/exhibition going on now through Jan. 4 at the NYPL Mid-Manhattan Library, 455 Fifth Ave. between 39th Street and 40th Street … here are details via the NYPL website:
The Art and Picture Collections present Vortex, two site-specific exhibitions of the same title, created by artist and designer Michael Palladino along time user of the Picture Collection. Palladino's Art Wall on Third exhibition features his wood relief murals with whitewash and encaustic wax leading to his Photo Walls in Picture Collection exhibition of enhanced digital photographs with encaustic wax, mounted on wooden trays.

[Michael Palladino]
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