[Tompkins Square Park yesterday via Derek Berg]
Tenants get the boot from landlord Steve Croman's office (DNAinfo ... B+B)
City Council weighing oversight hearings on shady Rivington House deal (Capital New York)
A preview of the Ramones exhibit at the Queens Museum of Art that opened Sunday (Gothamist)
And that time the Ramones smiled in a photo (The New York Times)
Difethialone, which has been banned by the EPA for residential use, is being used to kill rats in a public park (Laura Goggin Photogrpahy)
A selection of films Roland Barthes cared for, decried, and, in some instances, helped make (Anthology Film Archives)
"Why New York’s Most Important Art District Is Now the Lower East Side" (Artsy)
A trip to Coney Island (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)
Pommes Frites one step closer to opening on MacDougal Street (NY Yimby)
...and moving via Citi Bike continues to be a challenge...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
Regarding the rat poison in parks, I just came across this press release from 2014 that states NY rejected a ban on super-toxic rat poisons:
From the letter:
“In denying the petition, New York is assenting to the ongoing poisoning of eagles, hawks, owls and other wildlife, as well as pets and children. It is a sad day for public health and wildlife conservation in New York,” said Cynthia Palmer, director of pesticides science and regulation at American Bird Conservancy. “We are disappointed by the New York State General Counsel’s shortsighted decision in favor of ‘the procedural protections afforded’ to pesticide companies.”
Is that the new CitiBike / LinkNYC merger?!?! #progress
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