We don't know too much about the place just yet, other than – as their sidewalk sign shows — they feature portion sizes for men and women...

[Photo by Michael Hirsch]
Looks pretty much the same for men and women, other than the extra special roll for the gents, which accounts for the $4 price difference.
No word on a children's menu.
BRILLIANT! about time! Way to go! As a card carrying member of the clean plate club, I rejoice! Overeating and under exercising causes obesity.
What happens if a dude orders the lady meal?
They're making America great again with a segregated menu.
If I as a man only eat from the lades's menu will I eventually grow man boobs?
It's a sushi thing?
Ogawa on East 4th have an "Ultra Woman" or "Ultra Men" roll as well as a "Spicy Girl" and "Spicy Boy" one. Then there was the curious, yet charming name of "Teriyaki Boy" -- kept me fed during my starvation years.
So a "Special Roll" is four bucks? What is in it that makes it so special?
That's very common in Japan.
Suddenly, food now is assigned to gender identity? While most men are genetically built larger than their female counterparts, females can have adequate muscle mass and consume the same amount of food as males do. This posting fails to illustrate the larger picture. I will still probably go for a meal, but I might ask management why they think this is either amusing or necessary. I am a man. And I am a feminist.
Whatever happened to Large and Small?
11:26, for your next humanitarian act why don't you fly to Japan and start setting them straight over there. Please 11:26 I wish you wouldn't go in to this restaurant and raise a ruckus over this issue. It is a cultural difference. Just observe it. If you don't like it, avoid the restaurant. Tell your friends to avoid it even. But for crying out loud leave them alone. It seems that it's a restaurant that serves Japanese food, in addition to offering a certain Japanese dining aesthetic. This is NYC not the friggin mall. We are supposed to have weird curious shit from all over the world here.
Wow. This is such a Japanese thing. You can actually buy Men's Pocky at M2M!
What would Caitlin Jenner order?
Perhaps a "share role or menu" you know for girls night out? Men don't necessarily eat more they just don't know when to stop, kind of up to the challenge to finish it all.
The Japanese owner is new to America and is using concepts that are normal in Japan, here. Just have one of you people go over and tell her it is not PC to do that.
Anonymous 8:33 spewed:
If I as a man only eat from the lades's menu will I eventually grow man boobs?
"Manboobs" [moobs] generally come from consuming bovine lactations:
"Can Milk Give Me Man Boobs?"
and try these herbal remedies to increase testosterone and reduce the appearance of your boobs:
8 Natural Remedies for Gynecomastia
This is for 12:59 p.m.: Stop being a bully. 11:26 was just voicing his opinion, which we are all allowed to do on here. Grow up and bark somewhere else.
@11:46. I thought the 12:59 comment made perfectly valid points. Dissent is not bullying.
I could care less if the owner is from Japan, he's in America now, and in America we don't have dishes for "men" and "women". It's sexist because it says a woman shouldn't eat as much as a man and by inference she shouldn't get fat thus be unattractive to a man, she should have a slim, attractive figure, or the menu strongly suggests that - fuck that. If a woman wants to eat like there's no tomorrow, more power to her, maybe she hasn't eaten since breakfast, or she has a high metabolism, or she just fucking feels like pigging out.
He's supposed to assimilate into American and more specificially NYC culture not vice versa, and that doesn't mean he has to forfeit his culture. Oh wait I forgot this is the city where we all have to assimilate to people who come here - fuck that, too. For example if I travel to a country known for being leisurely (read: slow haha) about restaurant service, I don't act like I'm at whatever American place which serves you as quickly as possible, I deal with the slower service. If I go to some Latin countries, I must be mindful of talking to women even if it's without the intention to meet her as I could be seen by her brother, husband, or boyfriend as an American looking for a lay, and you know, it's not an unreasonable perception given the history of American men who go to Latin countries. We all have to assimilate to where we are to some degree. Men and women portions says "Women should not eat as much as men because they should be slim thus attractive to men" and that's bullshit as no restaurant has a right to judge what a woman should do to be attractive much less judge how much anyone should eat.
If I took my girl or a first date to this place I'd hope she'd laugh about it but then again she might not if she's on the bigger side. "You took me here because they serve women smaller portions. You think I need that? Fuck you!" LOL.
The Travis Bickle-Betsy date where Travis takes her to this place:
"You gotta be kidding me? They serve women smaller portions here?
"No, it's a nice place they serve sizable portions."
"You sure about that?"
"Taking me to a place like this is about as exciting to me as saying 'You're a fat pig who needs to lose weight'"
"There are plenty of places which serve big ribs, plenty of other places where the food isn't categorized as men and women sizes I can take you."
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