Per DNAinfo: "Once inside, they snatched a $2,000 bottle of Louis XIII Cognac and other liquor before taking off, police said."
The break-in occurred on April 3.
The NYPD released this image of the suspects...

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.
Suffolk Arms debuted back on Feb. 18.
Never should have been allowed to open in the first place.
Not sure if this bounty would have been worth it if they got caught... but what crime really is.
Side chuckle for this Suffolk Arms place having Louis XIII.
Well, gee, I hope they aren't expecting to recover any of the stolen liquor; my guess is that it's long gone.
" a $2,000 bottle of Louis XIII Cognac" - they missed the vial of gold dust that is sprinkled on top as a $100 garnish allegedly
See, more bars in the EV means everyone gets a better life.
Oh, those poor mixologists! A whole bottle of booze that could pay one month's rent plus utilities, just...GONE.
And now these uncouth, uncultured bohemians will just guzzle it lustily like common liquor imbibed by commoners instead of sloooooooooooowly savoring every sip ("nursing") from a $60 shot glass at the bar like regular East Village gentrifi...err...folk.
The fates are cruel to upscale bars in this age!
Scuba Diva - gentlemen of such discerning taste are likely still savoring the fine brandy. The fifth precinct still has time before the evidence, and suspects, are drunk.
These guys are in bigger trouble than they think -- that was probably Jimmy Fallon's private bottle.
Agree with poster 1.
Allow no-one to open anything. Then no-one will break in and rob.
Problem solved.
I'm not the biggest fan of the LES having become kinda like Bourbon Street, but the negativity on this thread says more about you than anything. I'd guess you all are the folks who didn't fare so well and are just bitter in life. This bar is the least of the worries of this neighborhood. Cheering a break-in and theft from a business owner is so sad.
"I'd guess you all are the folks who didn't fare so well and are just bitter in life." -- Said the clueless Taylor Swift fan who blindly equates wealth rather than accomplishment with success, has no clue what people in this neighborhood have had to endure from greedy landlords and new residents who think they can use their money to push everyone around, and who thinks their own negativity is acceptable while yours is not.
I agree with thee, Taylor's Not Too Swift! I'm dating a Millennial (we're both into punk - me, 'cuz it's my college music, him; 'cuz he's the coolest person on the planet thankyewverymuch) and his interest in all things EV (pretty much the history of why things today are not like they were in the fifties) and my needing to explain the sentiment in Taylor's Not Too Swift's post has shown me that the current generation doesn't get what anti-establishment culture is/was. I read that they don't really understand the term "sellout". Now we gotta wait for the children of the current crop to reject the boring-ass mall-like world of their parents.
So hell yeah!! We cheer piracy against people who throw their weight around because they have more money than god. It's no different than living in the mountains and railing against strip mining.
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