Workers today have blocked off the area around where the Alamo will rest on Astor Place, as these photos by EVG reader JinSoo show ... fueling speculation that the cube's return is imminent...

No official word on this just yet... After a fake out in June, the Parks Department said that the refurbished Alamo would be back in August. (And seeing as today is Aug. 31...)
Workers packed up and carted off the Alamo for safekeeping for the duration of the Astor Place-Cooper Square reconstruction back on Nov. 25, 2014. The cube was installed here in 1967.
Hopefully they have chromed it. Then we can rotate it to the proper position to vaporize the Death Star.
Maybe it's for another naked Donald Drumpf. The area is now as barren and devoid of charm and warmth as he is, so it would be a perfect fit.
I hope it will serve coffee, that's all anyone wants these days anyway.
Sorry to be so wishy washy folks. We're still undecided whether to return the Alamo or use the space for more of my signature sarcophagus seating slabs.
The Alamo is not the be-all-end-all in rotating cubic sculptures, you know. Personally, I don't care one way or another if it returns or not. It was one thing when people were isolated in the middle of the traffic triangle spinning it -- it's a whole nother thing for them to be right next to people at tables spinning it.
Couldn't they just leave that way so we can roller skate? Way more fun. Roller derby in the Square. We could use the metal tables and chairs as obstacle course.
I bet that contractor charged the city $1 million to put up the caution tape and orange cones.
Nothing will be next to the tables, including the sculpture, because new Astor Place is nothing but fields of cement as far as the eye can see. You could land planes there and not disturb the tables.
It's coming, along with a big festival, where a great marching band will play:
Let's have a rumble.
Will Mickey and Spider-Man be here for photo shoots
The East Village is dead...Long live Astor Place East!
Wait, I live in APE?
I guess city planners realized that the area might be becoming a little bit too Midtowny to keep drawing the rubes, so they're adding the cube back in. Evict and Evoke!
Sarcophagus seating actually seems more EV than a cube rotating on axis, which is more Midtown 3rd Ave.
More nature please, to compensate for the crowds.
Funny, yet consider Budapest … one of the earliest examples of a city comprised of apartment buildings. People had no room to entertain at home and so coffee house culture flourished
Great we can watch the pledge rush when all the bro's are back pushing the cube
Oh I see. Was envisioning something more funerary. Well, they look surprisingly skateable
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