Over on Bond Street between Lafayette and the Bowery (and next to Mile End)... the signage is up for a new restaurant called Fish Cheeks, billed as Thai seafood "straight to your soul" ...

The Times had a quickie item on the place back in June:
Fish Cheeks — High-end Thai seafood by the owners of the Obao restaurants will move into the former Le Philosophe space in a few months: 55 Bond Street (Bowery).
Le Philosophe closed back in January.
Thanks, but I prefer my soul piscine-free. I'm just funny that way, I guess.
Jowls or butt?
Very unappetizing name!
I actually have an interview with Fish Cheeks this weekend. I am super excited. In spite of my ivy league education and skill set, I can't find a job that pays the bills. So, I am going to wait tables and be of servitude toward others. It looks like a special place!
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