EVG regular OlympiasEpiriot spotted this sign on East Ninth Street at Avenue A…
"Please keep your cat inside. It has been coming into our backyard harassing and fighting with our two backyard cats and eating all their food. If the cat continues to come here we will have no choice but to call the ASPCA."
"please keep your cat inside. it's been acting like a cat and disturbing our cats, who we don't want to keep inside. but we want you to, so stop it."
@12:05 - you ignore the "our backyard" issue
They "own" a backyard? People on ground floors do not necessarily own the "yard" in back of an apt building.
they're cats. if it were dogs, i could understand it. cats will roam around and fight each other. if you're that concerned about your "backyard cats", then keep them inside.
How many eyes does that cat have?
No one should be letting their cats roam around outside. It's not safe no matter where you live. If you want your cat to get some fresh air, take your cat out on a leash. I can't believe people care so little about their pets.
From the looks of it, nobody owns that thing.
Hey God, stop your stray from coming in and eating our strays' food.
@evgrieve where do you find these people?! HAHAHAHAHA @anon 12:33 @anon12:52
CATS was a show about 13 singin-n-dancin cats living in a junk yard.
Call the ASPCA and tell them what? That there is a stray cat? I'd be pretty surprised if the ASPCA is going to do anything about that. And even if they would, what are they going to do? Find a guy fast enough to chase it down and catch it?
Why not just accept that you have three cats, and one of them can be kind of a jerk to the other two?
Cats are allowed to roam. That is the law.
Please don't let your rats come in our backyard and eat our cats' food. The food that we leave outside is specifically for our cats. If you don't stop your rats, we will call 311 and let them know that your rats keep coming into our backyard.
A good batch of comments, laughed several times. Nothing like a good urban etiquette sign to get the jokes rolling.
PS cats will roam outside of their turf and get run over by cars, captured by cat hoarders or mangled by pit bulls, I would not let my cats out, that's if I had one.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying the food, and that your cats can't do a fucking thing to stop me, so STFU.
The Cat.
'Cause I'm the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around
Someone should write another UE note telling cat owners not to leave food out in the backyard, attracting vermin. Why don't these cats dine in the kitchen like every other self-respecting NYC housecat.
You can tell them anything you like, they're still gonna be pussies.
Leaving food outside for one's "backyard cats" is equivalent to an engraved invitation to rats. So maybe the poster of this UE sign should pay attention and STOP putting food outside! (And no, your cat will not kill a rat; it would take a rat-terrier dog to do that.)
A rat infestation is a great way to have telephone lines, cable connections, etc. chewed through. Rats will also expose your cats to all kinds of interesting disease possibilities.
Anonymous said:
A rat infestation is a great way to have telephone lines, cable connections, etc. chewed through. Rats will also expose your cats to all kinds of interesting disease possibilities.
It can also get you reported, and an inspector will come around; I let in an inspector one day because someone had reported that the tenants in the back duplex were letting their dogs poop there and not cleaning it up. That also attracts rats.
Atomic Man, you have an interesting pt of view. We need to get involved, all of us. Enough voice from the people really is important. I'm in love with the tenants on 13th for standing up to their bully LL.
I hate to say this, but if the cat is missing, then probably the coyotes got it.
It may never be possible to convince people who think their mission in life is to feed wild life no matter how much evidence you show them that the wild life they help were responsible for spreading the bubonic plague.
This comments thread is hilarious, thank you!
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