The sign has arrived at the Domino's Pizza location opening soon enough at 440 E. 14th St. just west of Avenue A…

The space was previously home to the 99-Cent Discount Center, where things were often more than 99 cents.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Interesting new business opening on East 14th Street
Work continues at interesting new business coming to East 14th Street
i give up
Another example of how useless the NYC Small Business Services staff are.
i can't take the strain of the excitement!
a domino pizza. who'd of thunk that such a pioneering concept could come to east 14th street.
oh the joy of it all.
i have waited almost all of my life for this.
It still makes me sad that chainification is the prevailing trend in NYC in the 2000s and 2010s. I had such high hopes for this place.
I am sooooo interested!
I believe that Domino's Pizza is now just Domino's. This is because they want to be known for having other foods that are as high quality as those things they generously refer to as pizzas
There's really a special circle of Hell for sorry assholes who bother to live in the good pizza capital of the world and order that plastic crap. It's like moving to Paris and buying Velveeta. WTF is wrong with people?
Paris sucks, there is no Velveeta.
Wow, so now Domino's offers much more than pizza? Like Yakoff Smirnoff say: What a country.
Our Councilmember's office is right down the street - where is she as the small business' die?
Small businesses are a sin. We're global now, folks.
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