Spotted on East Fourth Street tonight:
"Some old lady rammed your car multiple times trying to park in front of you at 7:05 p.m. …"
The note's author didn't catch the license number, but suggests watching traffic cam footage to find the culprit.
Photo by Derek Berg
One day, some guy was trying to pull out of a parking place but to his horror, he hit the bumper of the car parked in front of him. To make matters worse, the incident was witnessed by a handful of people waiting for a bus.
So he got out of his car, inspected the damage carefully, took out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote a note, which he then left under the wiper blade of the other car.
This is what the note said. “Hello, I have just hit your car and there are some people here watching me. They think I am writing this note to leave you my name, phone number and car registration number. But I am not.”
Lol, once I was parked and this car parked right up on me... So what am I going to do? Wait? Fuck that. Bumped the car and got out. There were people looking at me as if I was an asshole. I laughed and drove away... There is always a second side to these stories.
I was walking in Kips Bay a few years ago, and there was a car trying to park in a tight space; an alarm went off and a mechanical voice started saying, "Oh no! Oh no! I would never fit…I would never fit…" It was the only time I heard one of these; don't remember what make/model the car was, wither.
You can call 911 and sometimes they will come and run the license plate
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