Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wash day for Temperance Fountain

The Hope side needs some attention. (And read about the history of the fountain here.)

Photo in Tompkins Square Park this morning by Derek Berg


Ken from Ken's Kitchen said...

Don't forget to do behind the ears.

Anonymous said...

NICE about frickin time!You powerwash that beauty esp. in this heat and humidity. Protect and save our seniors!

Zoltar said...

We dated briefly. She thought I drank too much. What a drag.

Oh, and it's going to be hot today. (No charge for that one.)

Joe said...

Good one, Zoltar.

Anonymous said...

The robot in the NYPD tower said it was gettin' too dirty!

Anonymous said...

this is in preparation of the ritual of welcome for the POLICE OBSERVATION CLUBHOUOUSE IN THE TREES >I think we need a lot more then ONE this has become a HOT TOPIC no?

GeoFotoDoc said...

Yes, indeed:::"The Hope side needs some attention." Thanks, Derek Berg, for the photo.

Anonymous said...

Were recently graduated sorority girls complaining about this too?!?

Anonymous said...

I once watched in rapt horror as a shirtless old man washed his sore festooned torso in that fountain. After he departed, a group of kids arrived and innocently imbibed from that very same spring. Perhaps someone should have something but it was all too delicious imagining the panoply of pathologies their tender little mucous membranes came into contact with that day. God. So many fond memories of this fountain.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:49 pm. I have fond memories of that fountain too esp. the design element at the bottom which used to be for the doggies to get a drink as well as the birdies. When was the fountain renovated, working for a time before going dry again?